Book of Joshua
and·he·is after⁺ the·death·of Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer
the·assistant·of Moseh saying :
Moseh my·servant he·died
and·now ꜝarise ꜝcross·over °the·Descender this you and·all·of the·people this
to the·land that I giving to·them to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
all·of rising·place that she·steps·forward the·spoon·of your⁺·foot in·him to·you⁺ I·gave·him
as·how I·spoke to Moseh :
from·the·outspeak and·the·Whitemost this and·unto the·stream the·great the·stream·of Euphrates all·of the·land·of the·Castdownïtes⁺
and·unto the·sea the·great the·entrance·of the·sun
he·is your⁺·border :
he·does·not·post·himself man to·your·face⁺
all·of the·days⁺·of your·life⁺
as·how I·was near Moseh I·am near·you
I·do·not·slack·you·off and I·do·not·abandon·you :
ꜝbe·firm and·ꜝbe·bold
as you you·derive·for °the·people this
°the·land that I·vowed·seven to·their·fathers⁺ to·give to·them :
only ꜝbe·firm and·ꜝbe·bold very to·watch to·do as·all·of the·torah that he·commanded·you Moseh my·servant
ꜝdo·not·move from·him right and·left
because·of ꜝmake·prudent
in·all that you·walk :
he·does·not·budge the·account·of the·torah this from·your·mouth and·you·echoed in·him daytime and·night
because·of ꜝwatch to·do
as·all that·is·written in·him
as then you·prosper °your·steps⁺ and·then you·make·prudent :
¿not I·commanded·you ꜝbe·firm and·ꜝbe·bold
ꜝdo·not·awe and ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down
as near·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·all that you·walk :
and·he·commands Yʜᴡ-Saved
°the·officers⁺·of the·people saying :
ꜝcross·over⁺ in·the·impresence·of the·camp and·ꜝcommand⁺ °the·people saying
ꜝmake·sure⁺ to·you⁺ huntfood
as when·still three·of days⁺ you⁺ crossers⁺ °the·Descender this
to·enter to·inherit °the·land
that Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
giving to·you⁺ to·inherit·her :
and·to·the·See-Sonïte and·to·the·Cloutïte
and·to·the·half·of the·stem·of the·Frustration
he·said Yʜᴡ-Saved saying :
remembering °the·speech
that he·commanded °you⁺ Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ saying
Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ setting·in·peace to·you⁺
and·he·gave to·you⁺ °the·land this :
your⁺·women⁺ your⁺·toddlers and·your⁺·stock
they·settle⁺ in·the·land that he·gave to·you⁺ Moseh in·the·region·across the·Descender
and·you⁺ you·cross·over⁺ geared·up⁺ to·the·face⁺·of your⁺·brothers⁺ all·of the·heroes⁺·of the·strength
and·you·helped⁺ °them :
unto that he·sets·in·peace Yʜᴡʜ to·your⁺·brothers⁺ as·you⁺
and·they·inherited⁺ also they⁺
°the·land that Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ giving to·them
and·you·returned⁺ to·the·land·of your⁺·inheritance and·you·inherited⁺ °her
that he·gave to·you⁺ Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·region·across the·Descender the·dawn·of the·sun :
°Yʜᴡ-Saved saying
all that you·commanded·us we·do⁺
and·to all that you·send·us we·walk⁺ :
as·all that we·heard⁺ to Moseh
surely we·hear⁺ to·you
only he·is Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ near·you
as·how he·was near Moseh :
all·of man that he·embitters °your·mouth and he·does·not·hear °your·speeches⁺ to·all that you·command·him he·is·put·to·death
only ꜝbe·firm and·ꜝbe·bold :
and·he·sends Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer from the·Paddlewoods⁺ two² mortals⁺ footspies⁺ craftily saying
ꜝwalk⁺ ꜝsee⁺ °the·land and·°Breath
and·they·walk⁺ and·they·enter⁺ house·of woman fornicator and·her·name Broad and·they·bed⁺ ➝there :
to·the·king·of Breath saying
¡lo! mortals⁺ they·entered⁺ here the·night from·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to·dig °the·land :
and·he·sends the·king·of Breath
to Broad saying
ꜝlet·go the·mortals⁺ that·enter⁺ to·you that they·entered⁺ to·your·house
as to·dig °all·of the·land they·entered⁺ :
and·she·takes the·woman °the·two²·of the·mortals⁺ and·she·keeps·him·secret
and·she·says sure they·entered⁺ to·me the·mortals⁺
and I·did·not·know from·¿where they⁺ :
and·he·is the·gate to·lock in·the·darkness and·the·mortals⁺ they·went⁺
¿where they·walked⁺ the·mortals⁺
ꜝpursue⁺ speeding after⁺·them as you·catch⁺·them :
and·she she·offered·them·up ➝the·roof
and·she·buries·them in·the·flaxes⁺·of the·treestick
that·are·lined·up⁺ to·her upon the·roof :
and·the·mortals⁺ they·pursued⁺ after⁺·them the·step·of the·Descender
upon the·crossings⁺·of
and·the·gate they·locked⁺
after⁺ as·how they·went⁺ the·pursuers⁺ after⁺·them :
and·they⁺ ere they·bed⁺
and·she she·went·up upon·them upon the·roof :
and·she·says to the·mortals⁺
I·knew as he·gave Yʜᴡʜ to·you⁺ °the·land
and·as she·fell your⁺·terror upon·us
and·as they·were·dissipated⁺ all·of the·settling⁺·of the·land from·your⁺·face⁺ :
as we·heard⁺ °that he·dried·up Yʜᴡʜ °the·waters⁺·of the·sea·of Reeds from·your⁺·face⁺
when·you·go⁺ from·Egypts²
and·that you·did⁺ to·the·two²·of the·kings⁺·of the·Amurruïte that in·the·region·across the·Descender to·Rubbler and·to·Loaf
that you·made·herem⁺ °them :
and·we·hear⁺ and·he·is·dampened our·heart
and she·did·not·arise again breath in·man from·your⁺·face⁺
as Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
he Powers⁺ in·the·skies⁺ from·upward
and·upon the·land from·under :
and·now ꜝvow·seven⁺ ¡please! to·me in·Yʜᴡʜ
as I·did near·you⁺ mercy
and·you·did⁺ also you⁺ near the·house·of my·father mercy
and·you·gave⁺ to·me sign·of truth :
and·you·kept·alive⁺ °my·father and·°my·mama and·°my·brothers⁺ and·°my·sisters⁺
and·°all that to·them
and·you·snatched·away⁺ °our·souls⁺ from·death :
and·they·say⁺ to·her the·mortals⁺ our·soul unders⁺·you⁺ to·die
if you·do·not·tell·forth⁺
°our·speech this
and·he·was when·giving Yʜᴡʜ to·us °the·land
and·we·did⁺ near·you mercy and·truth :
and·she·makes·them·descend in·the·rope about the·window-piercing
as her·house in·the·wall·of the·rampart
and·in·the·rampart she settling :
and·she·says to·them ➝the·mount ꜝwalk⁺
lest they·peg⁺ in·you⁺ the·pursuers⁺
and·you·were·concealed⁺ ➝there three·of days⁺ unto returning the·pursuers⁺
and·after you·walk⁺ to·your⁺·step :
and·they·say⁺ to·her the·mortals⁺
innocent⁺ we⁺
from·your·seven this that you·told·us·seven :
¡lo! we⁺ entering⁺ in·the·land
°the·hopecord·of the·thread·of the·scarlet this you·league in·the·window-piercing that you·made·us·descend in·him
and·°your·father and·°your·mama and·°your·brothers⁺ and·°all·of the·house·of your·father
you·gather to·you ➝the·house :
and·he·was all that he·goes from·the·pulldoors²·of your·house ➝the·exterior his·blood in·his·head and·we⁺ innocent⁺
and·all that he·is with·you in·the·house
his·blood in·our·head
if hand she·is in·him :
and·if you·tell·forth °our·speech this
and·we·were⁺ innocent⁺
from·your·seven that you·told·us·seven :
and·she·says as·your⁺·speeches⁺ surely he
and·she·sends·them·out and·they·walk⁺
and·she·leagues °the·hopecord·of the·scarlet in·the·window-piercing :
and·they·walk⁺ and·they·enter⁺ ➝the·mount
and·they·settle⁺ there three·of days⁺
unto they·returned⁺ the·pursuers⁺
and·they·seek⁺ the·pursuers⁺ in·all·of the·step and they·did·not·find⁺ :
and·they·return⁺ the·two²·of the·mortals⁺ and·they·descend⁺ from·the·mount
and·they·cross·over⁺ and·they·enter⁺
to Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer
and·they·recount⁺ to·him
°all the·finders⁺ with·them :
and·they·say⁺ to Yʜᴡ-Saved
as he·gave Yʜᴡʜ in·our·hand °all·of the·land
and·also they·were·dissipated⁺ all·of the·settling⁺·of the·land from·our·face⁺ :
and·he·yokes·up Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·dayplow and·they·journey⁺ from·the·Paddlewoods⁺ and·they·enter⁺ unto the·Descender
he and·all·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·repose⁺ there ere they·cross·over⁺ :
and·he·is from·end·of three·of days⁺
and·they·cross·over⁺ the·officers⁺ in·the·impresence·of the·camp :
and·they·command⁺ °the·people saying
as·you·see⁺ °the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and·the·priests⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺
bearers⁺·of °him
and·you⁺ you·journey⁺ from·your⁺·rising·place
and·you·walked⁺ after⁺·him :
surely afar he·is between⁺·you⁺ and·between⁺·him
as·thousands² mamacubit in·the·measure
ꜝdo·not·be·present⁺ to·him because·of that ꜝknow⁺ °the·step that you·walk⁺ in·her
as you·did·not·cross·over⁺ in·the·step from·recent threeday :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved to the·people ꜝsanctify·yourselves⁺
as aftermorrow he·does Yʜᴡʜ in·your⁺·impresence wonders⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved to the·priests⁺ saying
ꜝbear⁺ °the·ark·of the·covenant
and·ꜝcross·over⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·people
and·they·bear⁺ °the·ark·of the·covenant
and·they·walk⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·people :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Saved
the·day this I·pierce your·making·great
in·the·eyes²·of all·of Princepowr
that they·know⁺
as as·how I·was near Moseh I·am near·you :
and·you you·command °the·priests⁺
the·bearers⁺·of the·ark·of the·covenant saying
as·you·enter⁺ unto the·end·of the·waters⁺·of the·Descender
in·the·Descender you·stand⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
ꜝapproach⁺ here
and·ꜝhear⁺ °the·speeches⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved
in·this you·know⁺
as powr living in·your⁺·impresence
and·disinheriting he·disinherits from·your⁺·face⁺ °the·Cashierïte and·°the·Castdownïte and·°the·Liveïte and·°the·Villageïte and·°the·Girgashïte
and·the·Amurruïte and·the·Troddenïte :
¡lo! the·ark·of the·covenant·of
the·my·lord·of all·of the·land
crosser to·your⁺·face⁺ in·the·Descender :
and·now ꜝtake⁺ to·you⁺ two²·of and·ten·of man
from·the·stems⁺·of Princepowr
man one man one to·the·stem :
and·he·was as·at·peace the·spoons⁺·of the·feet²·of the·priests⁺ the·bearers⁺·of the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ the·my·lord·of all·of the·land in·the·waters⁺·of the·Descender
the·waters⁺·of the·Descender they·are·cut·down⁺
the·waters⁺ that·descend⁺ from·to➝upward
and·they·stand⁺ heap one :
and·he·is when·journeying the·people from·their·tents⁺
to·cross·over °the·Descender
and·the·priests⁺ the·bearers⁺·of the·ark the·covenant to·the·face⁺·of the·people :
and·as·entering the·bearers⁺·of the·ark unto the·Descender
and·the·feet²·of the·priests⁺ the·bearers⁺·of the·ark
they·were·dipped⁺ in·the·end·of the·waters⁺
and·the·Descender he·filled upon all·of his·kidlands⁺
all·of days⁺·of crop :
and·they·stand⁺ the·waters⁺ that·descend⁺ from·to➝upward they·arose⁺ heap one moving·faroff very from·Adam the·city that from·the·hip·of Tzaretan
and·that·descend⁺ upon the·sea·of the·arabah the·sea·of the·salt they·were·completed⁺ they·were·cut·down⁺
and·the·people they·crossed·over⁺ before Breath :
and·they·stand⁺ the·priests⁺ the·bearers⁺·of the·ark the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·withered·ground in·the·midst·of the·Descender making·sure
and·all·of Princepowr crossers⁺ in·the·withered·ground
unto that they·were·completed⁺ all·of the·clan
to·cross·over °the·Descender :
and·he·is as·how they·were·completed⁺ all·of the·clan
to·cross·over °the·Descender
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ
to Yʜᴡ-Saved saying :
ꜝtake⁺ to·you⁺ from the·people
two² and·ten·of mortals⁺
man one man one from·stem :
and·ꜝcommand⁺ °them saying
ꜝbear⁺ to·you⁺ from·this from·the·midst·of the·Descender from·the·post·of the·feet²·of the·priests⁺
making·sure two² and·ten·of stones⁺
and·you·made·cross·by⁺ °them near·you⁺
and·you·set·in·peace⁺ °them
in·the·place·of·repose that you·repose⁺ in·him the·night :
and·he·calls Yʜᴡ-Saved to two² the·and·ten man
that he·made·sure from·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
man one man one from·stem :
and·he·says to·them Yʜᴡ-Saved
ꜝcross·over⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ to the·midst·of the·Descender
and·ꜝheighten⁺ to·you⁺ man stone one upon his·yoke
to·the·count·of the·stems⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
because·of ꜝlet·her·be this sign in·your⁺·impresence
as they·request⁺ your⁺·sons⁺ aftermorrow saying
¿what the·stones⁺ these to·you⁺ :
and·you·said⁺ to·them that they·were·cut·down⁺ the·waters⁺·of the·Descender from·the·face⁺·of the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ
when·he·crosses·over in·the·Descender
they·were·cut·down⁺ the·waters⁺·of the·Descender
and·they·were⁺ the·stones⁺ these to·memorial to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr unto eternity :
and·they·do⁺ surely the·sons⁺·of Princepowr as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·they·bear⁺ two²·of and·ten·of stones⁺ from·the·midst·of the·Descender as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Saved
to·the·count·of the·stems⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·make·them·cross·by⁺ near·them to the·place·of·repose
and·they·set·them·in·peace⁺ there :
and·two² and·ten·of stones⁺ he·raised Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·midst·of the·Descender
under the·post·of the·feet²·of the·priests⁺
the·bearers⁺·of the·ark·of the·covenant
and·they·are⁺ there
unto the·day this :
and·the·priests⁺ the·bearers⁺·of the·ark standing⁺ in·the·midst·of the·Descender
unto completed all·of the·speech that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Yʜᴡ-Saved to·speak to the·people
as·all that he·commanded Moseh °Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·they·speed⁺ the·people and·they·cross·over⁺ :
and·he·is as·how he·was·completed all·of the·people to·cross·over
and·he·crosses·over the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ and·the·priests⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·people :
and·they·cross·over⁺ the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·the·sons⁺·of Clout and·the·half·of the·stem·of the·Frustration geared·up⁺
to·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
as·how he·spoke to·them Moseh :
as·forty⁺ thousand the·dressed⁺·of the·host
they·crossed·over⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ to·the·battle
to the·arabahs⁺·of Breath :
in·the·day he he·made·great Yʜᴡʜ °Yʜᴡ-Saved
in·the·eyes²·of all·of Princepowr
and·they·fear⁺ °him
as·how they·feared⁺ °Moseh all·of the·days⁺·of his·life⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ
to Yʜᴡ-Saved saying :
ꜝcommand °the·priests⁺
the·bearers⁺·of the·ark·of the·witness
and·they·go·up⁺ from the·Descender :
and·he·commands Yʜᴡ-Saved
°the·priests⁺ saying
ꜝgo·up⁺ from the·Descender :
and·he·is as·going·up the·priests⁺ the·bearers⁺·of the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ from·the·midst·of the·Descender
they·were·snapped⁺ the·spoons⁺·of the·feet²·of the·priests⁺
to the·withered·ground
and·they·return⁺ the·waters⁺·of the·Descender to·their·rising·place
and·they·walk⁺ as·recent threeday upon all·of his·kidlands⁺ :
and·the·people they·went·up⁺ from the·Descender
in·the·tenth to·the·new·moon the·headmost
and·they·camp⁺ in·the·Rolling
in·the·end·of the·dawn·of Breath :
and·°two² and·ten the·stones⁺ these
that they·took⁺ from the·Descender
he·raised Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·Rolling :
and·he·says to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr saying
that they·request⁺ your⁺·sons⁺ aftermorrow °their·fathers⁺ saying
¿what the·stones⁺ these :
and·you·let·know⁺ °your⁺·sons⁺ saying
in·the·dryness he·crossed·over Princepowr
°the·Descender this :
that he·dried·up Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ °the·waters⁺·of the·Descender from·your⁺·face⁺ unto your⁺·crossing·over
as·how he·did Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ to·the·sea·of Reeds that he·dried·up from·our·face⁺ unto our·crossing·over :
because·of knowing all·of the·people⁺·of the·land °the·hand·of Yʜᴡʜ
as firm she
because·of you·feared⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ all·of the·days⁺ :
and·he·is as·hearing all·of the·kings⁺·of the·Amurruïte that in·the·region·across the·Descender ➝sea and·all·of the·kings⁺·of the·Cashierïte that upon the·sea
°that he·dried·up Yʜᴡʜ °the·waters⁺·of the·Descender from·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr unto their·crossing·over
and·he·is·dampened their·heart and he·was·not in·them again breath
from·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
in·the·season she he·said Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Saved
ꜝdo to·you swords⁺·of rocks⁺
and·ꜝreturn ꜝsnip °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr second :
and·he·does to·him Yʜᴡ-Saved swords⁺·of rocks⁺
and·he·snips °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
to the·hill·of the·foreskins⁺ :
and·this the·speech that he·snipped Yʜᴡ-Saved
all·of the·people that·goes from·Egypts² the·membered⁺ all·of the·mortals⁺·of the·battle they·died⁺ in·the·outspeak in·the·step
when·they·go⁺ from·Egypts² :
as snipped⁺ they·were⁺
all·of the·people that·go⁺
and·all·of the·people the·child⁺ in·the·outspeak in·the·step when·they·go⁺ from·Egypts² they·did·not·snip⁺ :
as forty⁺ year they·walked⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr in·the·outspeak
unto completed all·of the·clan the·mortals⁺·of the·battle that·go⁺ from·Egypts²
that they·did·not·hear⁺ in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·them
to·not their·showing °the·land that he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·their·fathers⁺ to·give to·us
land emitting·of fatmilk and·honey :
and·°their·sons⁺ he·raised under·them
°them he·snipped Yʜᴡ-Saved
as foreskinned⁺ they·were⁺
as they·did·not·snip⁺ °them in·the·step :
and·he·is as·how they·were·completed⁺ all·of the·clan to·be·snipped
and·they·settle⁺ under·them in·the·camp unto their·living :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Saved
the·day I·rolled °the·detraction·of Egypts² from·upon·you⁺
and·he·calls the·name·of the·rising·place he Rolling
unto the·day this :
and·they·camp⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr in·the·Rolling
and·they·do⁺ °the·Hopover in·four and·ten day to·the·new·moon in·the·evening in·the·arabahs⁺·of Breath :
and·they·eat⁺ from·across the·land from·the·aftermorrow·of the·Hopover matzahs⁺ and·roasted
in·the·bone·of the·day this :
and·he·rests the·whatness from·aftermorrow when·they·eat⁺ from·across the·land
and he·was·not again to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr whatness
and·they·eat⁺ from·the·inbringing·of the·land·of Cashiers⁺
in·the·year she :
and·he·is when·being Yʜᴡ-Saved in·Breath
and·he·bears his·eyes² and·he·sees
and·¡lo! man standing to·before·him
and·his·sword unsheathed in·his·hand
and·he·walks Yʜᴡ-Saved to·him and·he·says to·him
¿to·us you if to·our·rockers⁺ :
and·he·says not as I the·prince·of the·host·of Yʜᴡʜ now I·entered
and·he·falls Yʜᴡ-Saved to his·face⁺ ➝land and·he·prostrates·himself
and·he·says to·him
¿what my·lord speaker to his·servant :
and·he·says the·prince·of the·host·of Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Saved ꜝplunder·off your·shoelatchet from·upon your·foot
as the·rising·place that you standing upon·him sanctuary he
and·he·does Yʜᴡ-Saved surely :
and·Breath locking and·locked·in
from·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
there·is·ńot going and·there·is·ńot entering :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Saved
ꜝsee I·gave in·your·hand
°Breath and·°her·king
the·heroes⁺·of the·strength :
and·you·turned·around⁺ °the·city all·of the·mortals⁺·of the·battle
encompassing °the·city time·of one
thus you·do six·of days⁺ :
and·seven priests⁺ they·bear⁺ seven the·shofairs⁺·of the·recourses⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·ark
and·in·the·day the·seventh
you·turn·around⁺ °the·city seven times⁺
they·hit⁺ in·the·shofairs⁺ :
and·he·was when·drawing·out in·the·horn·of the·recourse as·you·hear⁺ °the·voice·of the·shofair
they·cheer⁺ all·of the·people cheer great
and·she·fell the·rampart·of the·city unders⁺·her
and·they·went·up⁺ the·people man before·him :
and·he·calls Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer to the·priests⁺
and·he·says to·them
ꜝbear⁺ °the·ark·of the·covenant
and·seven priests⁺ they·bear⁺ seven shofairs⁺·of recourses⁺
to·the·face⁺·of the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says to the·people
ꜝcross·over⁺ and·ꜝturn·around⁺ °the·city
he·crosses·over to·the·face⁺·of the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·is as·saying Yʜᴡ-Saved to the·people
and·seven the·priests⁺ bearers⁺·of seven the·shofairs⁺·of the·recourses⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
they·crossed·over⁺ and·they·hit⁺ in·the·shofairs⁺
and·the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ
walking after⁺·them :
and·that·is·dressed walking
to·the·face⁺·of the·priests⁺
the·hitting⁺·of the·shofairs⁺
and·the·gathering walking after⁺ the·ark
walking and·hitting in·the·shofairs⁺ :
and·°the·people he·commanded Yʜᴡ-Saved saying you·do·not·cheer⁺ and you·do·not·let·hear⁺ °your⁺·voice
and he·does·not·go from·your⁺·mouth speech
unto day my·saying to·you⁺ ꜝcheer⁺ and·you·cheered⁺ :
and·he·turns the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ °the·city
encompassing time·of one
and·they·enter⁺ the·camp
and·they·repose⁺ in·the·camp :
and·he·yokes·up Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·dayplow
and·they·bear⁺ the·priests⁺ °the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·seven the·priests⁺ bearers⁺·of seven the·shofairs⁺·of the·recourses⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ
walking⁺ walking
and·they·hit⁺ in·the·shofairs⁺
and·that·is·dressed walking to·their·face⁺
and·the·gathering walking after⁺ the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ
walking and·hitting in·the·shofairs⁺ :
and·they·turn·around⁺ °the·city in·the·day the·second time·of one
and·they·return⁺ the·camp
thus they·did⁺ six·of days⁺ :
and·he·is in·the·day the·seventh and·they·yoke·up⁺ as·going·up the·morning
and·they·turn·around⁺ °the·city as·the·judgment this seven times⁺
only in·the·day he
they·turned·around⁺ °the·city seven times⁺ :
and·he·is in·the·time the·seventh
they·hit⁺ the·priests⁺ in·the·shofairs⁺
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved to the·people ꜝcheer⁺
as he·gave Yʜᴡʜ to·you⁺ °the·city :
and·she·was the·city herem she and·all that in·her to·Yʜᴡʜ
only Broad the·fornicator she·lives she and·all that with·her in·the·house
as she·concealed
°the·ministers⁺ that we·sent⁺ :
and·only you⁺ ꜝwatch⁺ from the·herem
lest you·make·herem⁺ and·you·took⁺ from the·herem
and·you·placed⁺ °the·camp·of Princepowr to·herem
and·you·roiled⁺ °him :
and·all·of silver and·gold and·things⁺·of copper and·iron
sanctuary he to·Yʜᴡʜ
the·treasure·of Yʜᴡʜ he·enters :
and·he·cheers the·people
and·they·hit⁺ in·the·shofairs⁺
and·he·is as·hearing the·people °the·voice·of the·shofair and·they·cheer⁺ the·people cheer great
and·she·falls the·rampart unders⁺·her and·he·goes·up the·people ➝the·city man before·him
and·they·seize⁺ °the·city :
and·they·make·herem⁺ °all that in·the·city
from·man and·unto woman
from·youth and·unto elder
and·unto bull and·ovine and·donkey to·mouth·of sword :
and·to·two² the·mortals⁺ the·footspies⁺ °the·land he·said Yʜᴡ-Saved
ꜝenter⁺ the·house·of the·woman the·fornicator
and·ꜝlet·go⁺ from·there °the·woman and·°all how to·her
as·how you·vowed·seven⁺ to·her :
and·they·enter⁺ the·youths⁺ the·footspies⁺ and·they·let·go⁺ °Broad and·°her·father and·°her·mama and·°her·brothers⁺ and·°all that to·her
and·°all·of her·families⁺ they·let·go⁺
from·exterior to·the·camp·of Princepowr :
and·the·city they·burned⁺ in·the·fire and·all that in·her
only the·silver and·the·gold and·the·things⁺·of the·copper and·the·iron
they·gave⁺ the·treasure·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·°Broad the·fornicator and·°the·house·of her·father and·°all that to·her he·kept·alive Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·she·settles in·the·impresence·of Princepowr
unto the·day this
as she·concealed °the·ministers⁺
that he·sent Yʜᴡ-Saved to·footspy °Breath :
and·he·tells·seven Yʜᴡ-Saved
in·the·season she saying
cursed the·man to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ that he·arises and·he·built °the·city this °Breath
in·his·firstborn he·sets·the·foundation·of·her
and·in·his·least he·posts her·pulldoors² :
and·he·is Yʜᴡʜ with Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·he·is his·hearsay in·all·of the·land :
and·they·disguise·themselves⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr disguisal in·the·herem
and·he·takes Riler the·son·of Orchardïte the·son·of My-Award the·son·of Dawn to·the·branch·of Gloryhand from the·herem
and·he·is·scorched the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·sends Yʜᴡ-Saved mortals⁺ from·Breath the·Guilt that near House·of Iniquity from·frontmost to·House·of Powr
and·he·says to·them saying
ꜝgo·up⁺ and·ꜝfootspy⁺ °the·land
and·they·go·up⁺ the·mortals⁺
and·they·footspy⁺ °the·Guilt :
and·they·return⁺ to Yʜᴡ-Saved and·they·say⁺ to·him ꜝlet·him·not·go·up all·of the·people
as·thousands² man or as·three·of thousands⁺ man
they·go·up⁺ and·they·strike⁺ °the·Guilt
ꜝdo·not·overlabor ➝there °all·of the·people
as little they⁺ :
and·they·go·up⁺ from the·people ➝there
as·three·of thousands⁺ man
and·they·flee⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·mortals⁺·of the·Guilt :
and·they·strike⁺ from·them the·mortals⁺·of the·Guilt as·thirty⁺ and·six man
and·they·pursue⁺·them to·the·face⁺·of the·gate unto the·¬Shebarim
and·they·strike⁺·them in·the·descent
and·he·is·dampened the·heart·of the·people and·he·is to·waters⁺ :
and·he·tears Yʜᴡ-Saved his·garments⁺ and·he·falls upon his·face⁺ ➝land to·the·face⁺·of the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ unto the·evening
he and·the·elders⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·offer·up⁺ dust upon their·head :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved ¡oh-oh! My·Lord Yʜᴡʜ to·¿what you·made·cross·by making·cross·by °the·people this °the·Descender
to·give °us in·the·hand·of the·Amurruïte to·cause·us·to·be·lost
and·iᵮ·only we·willed⁺ and·we·settle⁺
in·the·region·across the·Descender :
¡o! My·Lord
¿what I·say
after⁺ that he·converted Princepowr spine to·the·face⁺·of his·enemies⁺ :
and·they·hear⁺ the·Cashierïte and·all·of the·settling⁺·of the·land
and·they·were·turned·around⁺ upon·us
and·they·cut·down⁺ °our·name from the·land
and·¿what you·do to·your·name the·great :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Saved ꜝarise to·you
to·¿what this
you falling upon your·face⁺ :
he·sinned Princepowr
and·also they·crossed·over⁺ °my·covenant
that I·commanded °them
and·also they·took⁺ from the·herem
and·also they·stole⁺ and·also they·denied⁺
and·also they·placed⁺ in·their·things⁺ :
and they·are·not·able⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to·arise to·the·face⁺·of their·enemies⁺
spine they·face⁺ to·the·face⁺·of their·enemies⁺
as they·were⁺ to·herem
I·do·not·add to·be near·you⁺
if you·do·not·destroy⁺ the·herem from·your⁺·impresence :
ꜝarise ꜝsanctify °the·people
and·you·said ꜝsanctify·yourselves⁺ to·aftermorrow
as thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr herem in·your·impresence Princepowr
you·are·not·able to·arise to·the·face⁺·of your·enemies⁺
unto your⁺·removing the·herem from·your⁺·impresence :
and·you·were·presented⁺ in·the·dayplow to·your⁺·stems⁺
and·he·was the·stem that he·seizes·him Yʜᴡʜ he·is·present to·the·families⁺ and·the·family that he·seizes·her Yʜᴡʜ she·is·present to·the·houses⁺
and·the·house that he·seizes·him Yʜᴡʜ
he·is·present to·the·heroes⁺ :
and·he·was that·is·seized in·the·herem
he·is·burned in·the·fire
°him and·°all that to·him
as he·crossed·over °the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·as he·did wiltedness in·Princepowr :
and·he·yokes·up Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·dayplow
and·he·presents °Princepowr to·his·stems⁺
and·he·is·seized the·stem·of Gloryhand :
and·he·presents °the·family·of Gloryhand
and·he·seizes °the·family·of the·Dawnïte
and·he·presents °the·family·of the·Dawnïte to·the·heroes⁺
and·he·is·seized My-Award :
and·he·presents °his·house to·the·heroes⁺
and·he·is·seized Riler the·son·of Orchardïte the·son·of My-Award the·son·of Dawn to·the·branch·of Gloryhand :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved to Riler my·son ꜝplace ¡please! weight to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr and·ꜝgive to·him gloryhand
and·ꜝtell·forth ¡please! to·me ¿what you·did
ꜝdo·not·stifle from·me :
and·he·responds Riler °Yʜᴡ-Saved and·he·says
truly I I·sinned to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
and·as·this and·as·this I·did :
and·I·see in·the·plunder the·regalia·of Shinar one·of good and·hundred² shekels⁺ silver and·tongue·of gold one fifty⁺ shekels⁺ his·shekelness
and·I·desire·them and·I·take·them
and·¡lo!·them buried⁺ in·the·land in·the·midst·of my·tent and·the·silver unders⁺·her :
and·he·sends Yʜᴡ-Saved ministers⁺
and·they·run⁺ ➝the·tent
and·¡lo! buried in·his·tent and·the·silver unders⁺·her :
and·they·take⁺·them from·the·midst·of the·tent
and·they·bring·them·in⁺ to Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·to all·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·pour⁺·them to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·takes Yʜᴡ-Saved °Riler the·son·of Dawn and·°the·silver and·°the·regalia and·°the·tongue·of the·gold and·°his·sons⁺ and·°his·daughters⁺ and·°his·bull and·°his·donkey and·°his·sheep and·°his·tent and·°all that to·him
and·all·of Princepowr near·him
and·they·offer·up⁺ °them the·deepland·of Roiling :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved ¿what you·roiled·us
he·roils·you Yʜᴡʜ in·the·day this
and·they·execute⁺ °him all·of Princepowr stone
and·they·burn⁺ °them in·the·fire
and·they·lapidate⁺ °them in·the·stones⁺ :
and·they·raise⁺ upon·him roll·of stones⁺ great unto the·day this
and·he·returns Yʜᴡʜ from·the·scorching·of his·nostrils
upon surely he·called the·name·of the·rising·place he the·deepland·of Roiling
unto the·day this :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Saved ꜝdo·not·fear and ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down
ꜝtake near·you °all·of the·people·of the·battle
and·ꜝarise ꜝgo·up the·Guilt
ꜝsee I·gave in·your·hand °the·king·of the·Guilt and·°his·people
and·°his·city and·°his·land :
and·you·did to·the·Guilt and·to·her·king as·how you·did to·Breath and·to·her·king
only her·plunder and·her·beast you·spoil⁺ to·you⁺
ꜝplace to·you ambush to·the·city from·after⁺·her :
and·he·arises Yʜᴡ-Saved and·all·of the·people·of the·battle to·go·up the·Guilt
and·he·chooses Yʜᴡ-Saved thirty⁺ thousand·of man the·heroes⁺·of the·strength
and·he·sends·them night :
and·he·commands °them saying ꜝsee⁺ you⁺ ambushes⁺ to·the·city from·after⁺ the·city
you·do·not·move·faroff⁺ from the·city very
and·you·were⁺ all·of·you⁺ assured⁺ :
and·I and·all·of the·people that with·me
we·are·present⁺ to the·city
and·he·was as they·go⁺ to·call·against·us as·how in·the·headmost
and·we·fled⁺ to·their·face⁺ :
and·they·went⁺ after⁺·us unto our·causing·to·snap °them from the·city
as they·say⁺
fleeing⁺ to·our·face⁺
as·how in·the·headmost
and·we·fled⁺ to·their·face⁺ :
and·you⁺ you·arise⁺ from·the·ambush
and·you·disinherited⁺ °the·city
and·he·gave·her Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ in·your⁺·hand :
and·he·was as·you·clench⁺ °the·city you·enflare⁺ °the·city in·the·fire
as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ you·do⁺
ꜝsee⁺ I·commanded °you⁺ :
and·he·sends·them Yʜᴡ-Saved and·they·walk⁺ to the·ambush·place
and·they·settle⁺ between House·of Powr and·between the·Guilt from·sea to·the·Guilt
and·he·reposes Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·night he in·the·midst·of the·people :
and·he·yokes·up Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·dayplow
and·he·reckons °the·people
and·he·goes·up he and·the·elders⁺·of Princepowr to·the·face⁺·of the·people the·Guilt :
and·all·of the·people·of the·battle that with·him they·went·up⁺ and·they·approach⁺
and·they·enter⁺ before the·city
and·they·camp⁺ from·the·north to·the·Guilt
and·the·valley between⁺·him and·between the·Guilt :
and·he·takes as·five·of thousands⁺ man
and·he·places °them ambush between House·of Powr and·between the·Guilt from·sea to·the·city :
and·they·place⁺ the·people °all·of the·camp that from·the·north to·the·city
and·°his·heel from·sea to·the·city
and·he·walks Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·night he in·the·midst·of the·deepland :
and·he·is as·seeing the·king·of the·Guilt and·they·speed⁺ and·they·yoke·up⁺ and·they·go⁺ the·mortals⁺·of the·city to·call·against Princepowr to·the·battle he and·all·of his·people to·the·assembly·time to·the·face⁺·of the·Arabah
and·he he·did·not·know
as ambush to·him from·after⁺ the·city :
and·they·are·touched⁺ Yʜᴡ-Saved and·all·of Princepowr to·their·face⁺
and·they·flee⁺ the·step·of the·outspeak :
and·they·are·cried·up⁺ all·of the·people that in·the·Guilt
to·pursue after⁺·them
and·they·pursue⁺ after⁺ Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·they·are·snapped⁺ from the·city :
and he·did·not·survive man in·the·Guilt and·House·of Powr
that they·did·not·go⁺ after⁺ Princepowr
and·they·abandon⁺ °the·city opened
and·they·pursue⁺ after⁺ Princepowr :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Saved ꜝbranch·out in·the·javelin that in·your·hand to the·Guilt
as in·your·hand I·give·her
and·he·branches·out Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·javelin that in·his·hand to the·city :
and·the·ambush he·arose speedily from·his·rising·place and·they·run⁺ as·branching·out his·hand
and·they·enter⁺ the·city and·they·seize⁺·her
and·they·enflare⁺ °the·city in·the·fire :
and·they·face⁺ the·mortals⁺·of the·Guilt after⁺·them and·they·see⁺ and·¡lo! he·went·up the·smoke·of the·city ➝the·skies⁺
and he·was·not in·them hands² to·flee here and·here
and·the·people that·flees the·outspeak
he·was·converted to the·pursuer :
and·Yʜᴡ-Saved and·all·of Princepowr they·saw⁺ as he·seized the·ambush °the·city
and·as he·went·up the·smoke·of the·city
and·they·return⁺ and·they·strike⁺ °the·mortals⁺·of the·Guilt :
and·these they·went⁺ from the·city to·call·against·them
and·they·are⁺ to·Princepowr in·the·midst
these from·this and·these from·this
and·they·strike⁺ °them
unto if·not he·let·survive to·him escapee and·rescuee :
and·°the·king·of the·Guilt they·clenched⁺ living
and·they·present⁺ °him to Yʜᴡ-Saved :
and·he·is as·all·done Princepowr to·kill °all·of the·settling⁺·of the·Guilt in·the·field in·the·outspeak that they·pursued⁺·them in·him
and·they·fall⁺ all·of·them to·mouth·of sword unto their·completed
and·they·return⁺ all·of Princepowr the·Guilt
and·they·strike⁺ °her to·mouth·of sword :
and·he·is all that·fall⁺ in·the·day he from·man and·unto woman
two² and·ten thousand
all·of the·mortals⁺·of the·Guilt :
and·Yʜᴡ-Saved he·did·not·return his·hand
that he·branched·out in·the·javelin
unto that he·made·herem
°all·of the·settling⁺·of the·Guilt :
only the·beast and·the·plunder·of the·city she
they·spoiled⁺ to·them Princepowr
as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·commanded °Yʜᴡ-Saved :
and·he·burns Yʜᴡ-Saved °the·Guilt
and·he·places·her tel·of eternity desolation
unto the·day this :
and·°the·king·of the·Guilt he·hanged upon the·tree unto the·season·of the·evening
and·as·entering the·sun he·commanded Yʜᴡ-Saved and·they·make·descend⁺ °his·wilted·body from the·tree and·they·drop⁺ °her to the·opening·of the·gate·of the·city
and·they·raise⁺ upon·him roll·of stones⁺ great
unto the·day this :
then he·builds Yʜᴡ-Saved offering·place
to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
in·the·mount·of Ebal :
as·how he·commanded Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr as·that·is·written in·the·account·of the·torah·of Moseh
offering·place·of stones⁺ shalomic⁺
that he·did·not·exalt upon·them iron
and·they·offer·up⁺ upon·him upward·offerings⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·offer⁺ shaloms⁺ :
and·he·writes there upon the·stones⁺
°the·second·of the·torah·of Moseh
that he·wrote
to·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·all·of Princepowr and·his·elders⁺ and·officers⁺ and·his·judges⁺ standing⁺ from·this and·from·this to·the·ark before the·priests⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ the·bearers⁺·of the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ as·the·lodger as·the·nativedawned
his·half to the·snip·of the·mount·of Axes⁺
and·his·half to the·snip·of the·mount·of Ebal
as·how he·commanded Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ to·kneel °the·people Princepowr in·the·headmost :
and·after⁺ surely he·called °all·of the·speeches⁺·of the·torah
the·kneeling and·the·slight
as·all that·is·written in·the·account·of the·torah :
he·was·not speech
from·all that he·commanded Moseh
that he·did·not·call Yʜᴡ-Saved before all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr and·the·women⁺ and·the·toddlers
and·the·lodger that·walks in·their·impresence :
and·he·is as·hearing all·of the·kings⁺ that in·the·region·across the·Descender in·the·mount and·in·the·lowland and·in·all·of the·shore·of the·sea the·great
to the·snip·of the·Whitemost
the·Castdownïte and·the·Amurruïte
the·Cashierïte the·Villageïte
the·Liveïte and·the·Troddenïte :
and·they·collect·themselves⁺ united
to·battle near Yʜᴡ-Saved and·near Princepowr
mouth one :
and·the·settling⁺·of Hillside they·heard⁺ °that he·did Yʜᴡ-Saved to·Breath and·to·the·Guilt :
and·they·do⁺ also they⁺ in·smoothness
and·they·walk⁺ and·they·deform·themselves⁺
and·they·take⁺ burlaps⁺ decayed⁺ to·their·donkeys⁺
and·bottles⁺·of wine decayed⁺
and·cleaved⁺ and·rocked·out⁺ :
and·shoelatchets⁺ decayed⁺ and·patched⁺ in·their·feet²
and·garments⁺ decayed⁺ upon·them
and·all·of the·bread·of their·huntfood
he·dried·up he·was speckled⁺ :
and·they·walk⁺ to Yʜᴡ-Saved to the·camp the·Rolling
and·they·say⁺ to·him and·to the·man·of Princepowr from·land afar we·entered⁺
and·now ꜝcut·in⁺ to·us covenant :
and·he·says the·man·of Princepowr to the·Liveïte
¿maybe in·my·impresence you settling
and·¿ħow I·cut·in to·you covenant :
and·they·say⁺ to Yʜᴡ-Saved your·servants⁺ we⁺
and·he·says to·them Yʜᴡ-Saved ¿who you⁺ and·from·¿where you·enter⁺ :
and·they·say⁺ to·him from·land afar very they·entered⁺ your·servants⁺
to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
as we·heard⁺ his·hearsay
and·°all that he·did in·Egypts² :
and·°all that he·did to·the·two²·of the·kings⁺·of the·Amurruïte
that in·the·region·across the·Descender
to·Rubbler the·king·of Consideration
and·to·Loaf the·king·of the·Bashan that in·blessings⁺ :
and·they·say⁺ to·us our·elders⁺ and·all·of the·settling⁺·of our·land saying ꜝtake⁺ in·your⁺·hand huntfood to·the·step
and·ꜝwalk⁺ to·call·on·them
and·you·said⁺ to·them your⁺·servants⁺ we⁺
and·now ꜝcut·in⁺ to·us covenant :
this our·bread hot we·hunted·ourselves⁺ °him from·our·houses⁺
in·day our·going to·walk to·you⁺
and·now ¡lo! he·dried·up
and·he·was speckled⁺ :
and·these the·bottles⁺·of the·wine that we·filled⁺ new⁺
and·¡lo! they·cleaved·themselves⁺
and·these our·garments⁺ and·our·shoelatchets⁺
they·decayed⁺ from·the·multitude·of the·step very :
and·they·take⁺ the·mortals⁺ from·their·huntfood
and·°the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ they·did·not·request⁺ :
and·he·does to·them Yʜᴡ-Saved shalom
and·he·cuts·in to·them covenant to·keep·them·alive
and·they·vow·seven⁺ to·them
the·wellborns⁺·of the·assembly :
and·he·is from·end·of three·of days⁺
after⁺ that they·cut·in⁺ to·them covenant
and·they·hear⁺ as present⁺ they⁺ to·him
and·in·his·impresence they⁺ settling⁺ :
and·they·journey⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·they·enter⁺ to their·cities⁺ in·the·day the·third
and·their·cities⁺ Hillside and·the·Wolf
and·Wells and·Walledcity·of Forests⁺ :
and they·did·not·strike⁺·them the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
as they·vowed·seven⁺ to·them the·wellborns⁺·of the·assembly
in·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·oppose·themselves⁺ all·of the·assembly upon the·wellborns⁺ :
and·they·say⁺ all·of the·wellborns⁺ to all·of the·assembly
we⁺ we·vowed·seven⁺ to·them
in·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
and·now we·are·not·able⁺ to·touch in·them :
this we·do⁺ to·them and·keeping·alive °them
and he·is·not upon·us anger
upon the·seven that we·vowed·seven⁺ to·them :
and·they·say⁺ to·them the·wellborns⁺ they·live⁺
and·they·are⁺ hewing⁺·of trees⁺ and·fetchers⁺·of waters⁺ to·all·of the·assembly
as·how they·spoke⁺ to·them the·wellborns⁺ :
and·he·calls to·them Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·he·speaks to·them saying
to·¿what you·tricked⁺ °us saying afar⁺ we⁺ from·you⁺ very
and·you⁺ in·our·impresence settling⁺ :
and·now cursed⁺ you⁺
and he·is·not·cut·down from·you⁺ servant and·hewing⁺·of trees⁺ and·fetchers⁺·of waters⁺ to·the·house·of my·Powers⁺ :
and·they·respond⁺ °Yʜᴡ-Saved and·they·say⁺ as being·told·forth he·was·told·forth to·your·servants⁺ °that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ °Moseh his·servant
to·give to·you⁺ °all·of the·land
and·to·destroy °all·of the·settling⁺·of the·land from·your⁺·face⁺
and·we·fear⁺ very to·our·souls⁺ from·your⁺·face⁺
and·we·do⁺ °the·speech this :
and·now ¡lo!·us in·your·hand
as·the·good and·as·the·straight in·your·eyes² to·do to·us ꜝdo :
and·he·does to·them surely
and·he·snatches·away °them from·the·hand·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and they·did·not·kill⁺·them :
and·he·gives·them Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·day he hewing⁺·of trees⁺ and·fetchers⁺·of waters⁺ to·the·assembly
and·to·the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ unto the·day this
to the·rising·place that he·chooses :
and·he·is as·hearing My·Lord Justice the·king·of Torahshalom as he·seized Yʜᴡ-Saved °the·Guilt and·he·makes·her·herem
as·how he·did to·Breath and·to·her·king
surely he·did to·the·Guilt and·to·her·king
and·as they·made·shalom⁺ the·settling⁺·of Hillside with Princepowr
and·they·are⁺ in·their·impresence :
and·they·fear⁺ very
as city great Hillside
as·one·of the·cities⁺·of the·kingdom
and·as she great from the·Guilt
and·all·of her·mortals⁺ heroes⁺ :
and·he·sends My·Lord Justice the·king·of Torahshalom to Howham the·king·of Alliance and·to ¬Piram the·king·of Heights and·to Shining the·king·of Lakysh and·to Speakingplace·of the·king·of Oxly saying :
ꜝgo·up⁺ to·me and·ꜝhelp⁺·me
and·we·strike⁺ °Hillside
as she·made·shalom with Yʜᴡ-Saved and·with the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·they·are·gathered⁺ and·they·go·up⁺ the·five·of the·kings⁺·of the·Amurruïte the·king·of Torahshalom the·king·of Alliance the·king·of Heights the·king·of Lakysh the·king·of Oxly
they⁺ and·all·of their·camps⁺
and·they·camp⁺ upon Hillside
and·they·battle⁺ upon·her :
and·they·send⁺ the·mortals⁺·of Hillside to Yʜᴡ-Saved to the·camp ➝the·Rolling saying
ꜝdo·not·slack·off your·hands² from·your·servants⁺
ꜝgo·up to·us speedily and·ꜝsave! to·us and·ꜝhelp·us
as they·were·collected⁺ to·us
all·of the·kings⁺·of the·Amurruïte the·settling⁺·of the·mount :
and·he·goes·up Yʜᴡ-Saved from the·Rolling he and·all·of the·people·of the·battle near·him
and·all·of the·heroes⁺·of the·strength :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Saved ꜝdo·not·fear from·them
as in·your·hand I·gave·them
he·does·not·stand man from·them in·your·face⁺ :
and·he·enters to·them Yʜᴡ-Saved suddenly
all·of the·night he·went·up from the·Rolling :
and·he·rumbles·them Yʜᴡʜ to·the·face⁺·of Princepowr
and·he·strikes·them stroke great in·Hillside
and·he·pursues·them the·step·of the·upward·way·of House·of Brilliant
and·he·strikes·them unto Imprinted and·unto Speckle·Place :
and·he·is when·they·flee⁺ from·the·face⁺·of Princepowr they⁺ in·the·descent·of House·of Brilliant and·Yʜᴡʜ he·dropped upon·them stones⁺ great⁺ from the·skies⁺ unto Imprinted and·they·die⁺
many⁺ that they·died⁺ in·the·stones⁺·of the·hail
from·wħich they·killed⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr in·the·sword :
then he·speaks Yʜᴡ-Saved to·Yʜᴡʜ
in·day giving Yʜᴡʜ °the·Amurruïte
to·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·he·says to·the·eyes²·of Princepowr sun in·Hillside ꜝbe·silent
and·moon in·the·deepland·of Powerest :
and·he·is·silent the·sun and·moon he·stood unto he·avenges clan his·enemies⁺
¿not she written upon the·account·of the·straight
and·he·stands the·sun in·the·half·of the·skies⁺
and he·was·not·hasty to·enter as·day complete :
and he·was·not as·the·day he to·his·face⁺ and·after⁺·him
to·hear Yʜᴡʜ in·voice·of man
as Yʜᴡʜ
he·battled to·Princepowr :
and·he·returns Yʜᴡ-Saved and·all·of Princepowr near·him
to the·camp ➝the·Rolling :
and·they·flee⁺ the·five·of the·kings⁺ these
and·they·are·concealed⁺ in·the·barrens in·Speckle·Place :
and·he·is·told·forth to·Yʜᴡ-Saved saying
they·were·found⁺ the·five·of the·kings⁺
concealed⁺ in·the·barrens in·Speckle·Place :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved
ꜝroll⁺ stones⁺ great⁺ to the·mouth·of the·barrens
and·ꜝgive·to·reckon⁺ upon·her mortals⁺ to·watch·them :
and·you⁺ ꜝdo·not·stand⁺
ꜝpursue⁺ after⁺ your⁺·enemies⁺
and·you·tailed⁺ °them
ꜝdo·not·give⁺·them to·enter to their·cities⁺
as he·gave·them Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ in·your⁺·hand :
and·he·is as·all·done Yʜᴡ-Saved and·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to·strike·them stroke great very unto their·completed
and·the·escapees⁺ they·escaped⁺ from·them
and·they·enter⁺ to the·cities⁺·of the·fortification :
and·they·return⁺ all·of the·people to the·camp to Yʜᴡ-Saved Speckle·Place in·shalom
he·did·not·decide to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to·man °his·tongue :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved
ꜝopen⁺ °the·mouth·of the·barrens
and·ꜝlet·go⁺ to·me °the·five·of the·kings⁺ these from the·barrens :
and·they·do⁺ surely
and·they·let·go⁺ to·him °the·five·of the·kings⁺ these from the·barrens
°the·king·of Torahshalom °the·king·of Alliance °the·king·of Heights
°the·king·of Lakysh °the·king·of Oxly :
and·he·is as·they·let·go⁺ °the·kings⁺ these to Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·he·calls Yʜᴡ-Saved to all·of the·man·of Princepowr and·he·says to the·endofficers⁺·of the·mortals⁺·of the·battle the·they·walked⁺ with·him
ꜝbe·present⁺ ꜝplace⁺ °your⁺·feet²
upon the·necks⁺·of the·kings⁺ these
and·they·place⁺ °their·feet² upon their·necks⁺ :
and·he·says to·them Yʜᴡ-Saved
ꜝdo·not·fear⁺ and ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down⁺
ꜝbe·firm⁺ and·ꜝbe·bold⁺
as thus he·does Yʜᴡʜ to·all·of your⁺·enemies⁺
that you⁺ battling⁺ °them :
and·he·strikes·them Yʜᴡ-Saved after⁺ surely and·he·puts·them·to·death
and·he·hangs·them upon five trees⁺
and·they·are⁺ hanged⁺ upon the·trees⁺ unto the·evening :
and·he·is to·the·season·of entering the·sun he·commanded Yʜᴡ-Saved and·they·make·them·descend⁺ from·upon the·trees⁺
to the·barrens that they·were·concealed⁺ there
and·they·place⁺ stones⁺ great⁺ upon the·mouth·of the·barrens
unto the·bone·of the·day this :
and·°Speckle·Place he·seized Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·day he and·he·strikes·her to·mouth·of sword and·°her·king
he·made·herem °them and·°all·of the·soul that in·her
he·did·not·let·survive escapee
and·he·does to·the·king·of Speckle·Place
as·how he·did to·the·king·of Breath :
and·he·crosses·over Yʜᴡ-Saved and·all·of Princepowr near·him from·Speckle·Place Whitetree
and·he·battles near Whitetree :
and·he·gives Yʜᴡʜ also °her in·the·hand·of Princepowr and·°her·king
and·he·strikes·her to·mouth·of sword and·°all·of the·soul that in·her
he·did·not·let·survive in·her escapee
and·he·does to·her·king
as·how he·did to·the·king·of Breath :
and·he·crosses·over Yʜᴡ-Saved and·all·of Princepowr near·him from·Whitetree ➝Lakysh
and·he·camps upon·her
and·he·battles in·her :
and·he·gives Yʜᴡʜ °Lakysh in·the·hand·of Princepowr and·he·seizes·her in·the·day the·second
and·he·strikes·her to·mouth·of sword
and·°all·of the·soul that in·her
as·all that he·did to·Whitetree :
then he·went·up Mountainous the·king·of Section
to·help °Lakysh
and·he·strikes·him Yʜᴡ-Saved and·°his·people
unto if·not he·let·survive to·him escapee :
and·he·crosses·over Yʜᴡ-Saved and·all·of Princepowr near·him from·Lakysh ➝Oxly
and·they·camp⁺ upon·her
and·they·battle⁺ upon·her :
and·they·seize⁺·her in·the·day he and·they·strike⁺·her to·mouth·of sword
and·°all·of the·soul that in·her
in·the·day he he·made·herem
as·all that he·did to·Lakysh :
and·he·goes·up Yʜᴡ-Saved and·all·of Princepowr near·him from➝Oxly ➝Alliance
and·they·battle⁺ upon·her :
and·they·seize⁺·her and·they·strike⁺·her to·mouth·of sword and·°her·king and·°all·of her·cities⁺ and·°all·of the·soul that in·her he·did·not·let·survive escapee
as·all that he·did to·Oxly
and·he·makes·herem °her
and·°all·of the·soul that in·her :
and·he·returns Yʜᴡ-Saved and·all·of Princepowr near·him ➝Speakingplace
and·he·battles upon·her :
and·he·seizes·her and·°her·king and·°all·of her·cities⁺ and·they·strike⁺·them to·mouth·of sword
and·they·make·herem⁺ °all·of soul that in·her
he·did·not·let·survive escapee
as·how he·did to·Alliance surely he·did to➝Speakingplace and·to·her·king
and·as·how he·did to·Whitetree and·to·her·king :
and·he·strikes Yʜᴡ-Saved °all·of the·land the·mount and·the·Negev and·the·lowland and·the·slopes⁺ and·°all·of their·kings⁺
he·did·not·let·survive escapee
and·°all·of the·gasp he·made·herem
as·how he·commanded
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·strikes·them Yʜᴡ-Saved from·Sanctuary Son-of-Rattle and·unto Mighty
and·°all·of the·land·of Goshen and·unto Hillside :
and·°all·of the·kings⁺ these and·°their·land
he·seized Yʜᴡ-Saved time·of one
as Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
he·battled to·Princepowr :
and·he·returns Yʜᴡ-Saved and·all·of Princepowr near·him
to the·camp ➝the·Rolling :
and·he·is as·hearing Discerner the·king·of Courtyard
and·he·sends to Whimperer the·king·of Measure
and·to the·king·of Watching and·to the·king·of Sorcerer :
and·to the·kings⁺ that from·the·north in·the·mount and·in·the·Arabah the·negev·of Lyres⁺ and·in·the·lowland
and·in·the·altitudes⁺·of Saeculo from·sea :
the·Cashierïte from·dawn and·from·sea
and·the·Amurruïte and·the·Castdownïte and·the·Villageïte and·the·Troddenïte in·the·mount
and·the·Liveïte under Heremon
in·the·land·of the·Sentry·Post :
and·they·go⁺ they⁺ and·all their·camps⁺ near·them
people much as·the·sand that upon the·lip·of the·sea to·multitude
and·horse and·chariot much very :
all·of the·kings⁺ these
and·they·enter⁺ and·they·camp⁺ united to the·waters⁺·of Height
to·battle near Princepowr :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Saved ꜝdo·not·fear from·their·face⁺
as aftermorrow as·the·season this I giving °all·of·them pierced⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Princepowr
°their·horses⁺ you·sterilize
and·°their·chariots⁺ you·burn in·the·fire :
and·he·enters Yʜᴡ-Saved and·all·of the·people·of the·battle near·him upon·them upon the·waters⁺·of Height suddenly
and·they·fall⁺ in·them :
and·he·gives·them Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of Princepowr and·they·strike⁺·them
and·they·pursue⁺·them unto Hunter much and·unto Burningses⁺·of Waters⁺
and·unto the·cleft·of Sentry·Post ➝dawn
and·they·strike⁺·them unto if·not he·let·survive to·them escapee :
and·he·does to·them Yʜᴡ-Saved
as·how he·said to·him Yʜᴡʜ
°their·horses⁺ he·sterilized
and·°their·chariots⁺ he·burned in·the·fire :
and·he·returns Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·season she and·he·seizes °Courtyard
and·°her·king he·struck in·the·sword
as Courtyard to·face⁺
she the·head·of all·of the·kingdoms⁺ these :
and·they·strike⁺ °all·of the·soul that in·her to·mouth·of sword making·herem
he·did·not·remain all·of gasp
and·°Courtyard he·burned in·the·fire :
and·°all·of the·cities⁺·of the·kings⁺ these and·°all·of their·kings⁺ he·seized Yʜᴡ-Saved and·he·strikes·them to·mouth·of sword he·made·herem °them
as·how he·commanded
Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ :
only all·of the·cities⁺ that·stand⁺ upon their·tel
he·did·not·burn·them Princepowr
beyond °Courtyard alone·her he·burned Yʜᴡ-Saved :
and·all·of the·plunder·of the·cities⁺ these and·the·beast
they·spoiled⁺ to·them the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
only °all·of the·adam they·struck⁺ to·mouth·of sword unto their·destroying °them
they·did·not·let·survive⁺ all·of gasp :
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh his·servant
surely he·commanded Moseh °Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·surely he·did Yʜᴡ-Saved
he·did·not·remove speech
from·all that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh :
and·he·takes Yʜᴡ-Saved °all·of the·land this the·mount and·°all·of the·Negev and·°all·of the·land·of the·Goshen
and·°the·lowland and·°the·Arabah
and·°the·mount·of Princepowr and·his·lowland :
from the·mount the·devisive that·goes·up Hair
and·unto Master·of Clout in·the·cleft·of the·Whitemost
under the·mount·of Heremon
and·°all·of their·kings⁺ he·seized
and·he·strikes·them and·he·puts·them·to·death :
days⁺ many⁺ he·did Yʜᴡ-Saved with all·of the·kings⁺ these battle :
she·was·not city that she·made·shalom to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
if·not the·Liveïte the·settling⁺·of Hillside
°all they·took⁺ in·the·battle :
as from·with Yʜᴡʜ she·was to·make·firm °their·heart to·call·against the·battle with Princepowr because·of their·making·herem
to·not being to·them graceprayer
as because·of their·destroying
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh :
and·he·enters Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·season she and·he·cuts·down °the·Pendantïtes⁺ from the·mount from Alliance from Speakingplace from ¬Anab
and·from·all·of the·mount·of Gloryhand
and·from·all·of the·mount·of Princepowr
near their·cities⁺ he·made·them·herem Yʜᴡ-Saved :
he·did·not·remain Pendantïtes⁺
in·the·land·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
only in·Mighty in·Cellar and·in·Breaster they·survived⁺ :
and·he·takes Yʜᴡ-Saved °all·of the·land as·all that he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh
and·he·gives·her Yʜᴡ-Saved to·derivation to·Princepowr as·their·divisions⁺ to·their·stems⁺
and·the·land she·was·quiet from·battle :
and·these the·kings⁺·of the·land that they·struck⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·they·inherit⁺ °their·land
in·the·region·across the·Descender ➝the·dawn·of the·sun
from·the·river·of Shouting unto the·mount·of Heremon
and·all·of the·Arabah ➝dawn :
Rubbler the·king·of the·Amurruïte
that·settles in·Consideration
ruler from·Bare-Bare that upon the·lip·of the·river·of Shouting and·the·midst·of the·river and·the·half·of the·Roll-of-Witness
and·unto Vacuum the·river
the·border·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled :
and·the·Arabah unto the·sea·of Lyres⁺ ➝dawn and·unto the·sea·of the·Arabah the·sea·of the·salt ➝dawn
the·step·of House·of the·Desolations⁺
under the·slopes⁺·of the·Pondering :
and·the·border·of Loaf the·king·of the·Bashan
from·the·remainder·of the·Raphahs⁺
that·settles in·blessings⁺ and·in·Arm :
and·ruler in·the·mount·of Heremon and·in·Salcah and·in·all·of the·Bashan
unto the·border·of the·Bridgeïte and·the·Batteringïte
and·the·half·of the·Roll-of-Witness
the·border·of Rubbler the·king·of Consideration :
Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ and·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr they·struck⁺·them
and·he·gives·her Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ inheritance to·the·See-Sonïte and·to·the·Cloutïte
and·to·the·half·of the·stem·of the·Frustration :
and·these the·kings⁺·of the·land that he·struck Yʜᴡ-Saved and·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr in·the·region·across the·Descender ➝sea
from·Master·of Clout in·the·cleft·of the·Whitemost
and·unto the·mount the·devisive that·goes·up ➝Hair
and·he·gives·her Yʜᴡ-Saved to·the·stems⁺·of Princepowr inheritance as·their·divisions⁺ :
in·the·mount and·in·the·lowland and·in·the·Arabah and·in·the·slopes⁺
and·in·the·outspeak and·in·the·Negev
the·Castdownïte the·Amurruïte
and·the·Cashierïte the·Villageïte
the·Liveïte and·the·Troddenïte :
the·king·of Breath one
the·king·of the·Guilt that from·the·hip·of House·of Powr one :
the·king·of Torahshalom one
the·king·of Alliance one :
the·king·of Heights one
the·king·of Lakysh one :
the·king·of Oxly one
the·king·of Section one :
the·king·of Speakingplace one
king·of Fence·of one :
the·king·of Heremah one
the·king·of Burro one :
the·king·of Whitetree one
the·king·of Adlam one :
the·king·of Speckle·Place one
the·king·of House·of Powr one :
the·king·of Blossom one
the·king·of Digging one :
the·king·of Channel one
king to·the·Strait one :
the·king·of Measure one
the·king·of Courtyard one :
the·king·of Watching Empire one
the·king·of Sorcerer one :
the·king·of Taanak one
the·king·of Clout-Place one :
the·king·of Sanctuary one
the·king·of Dirging-People to·the·Orchardgrain one :
the·king·of Saeculo to·the·altitude·of Saeculo one
the·king·of Clans⁺ to·Rolling one :
the·king·of Favored one
all·of kings⁺ thirty⁺ and·one :
and·Yʜᴡ-Saved he·was·old
he·entered in·the·days⁺
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·him you you·were·old you·entered in·the·days⁺
and·the·land she·survived multiplying very to·inherit·her :
this the·land the·survivor
all·of the·rollarounds⁺·of the·Palestinians⁺ and·all·of the·Bridgeïte :
from the·Murk that upon the·face⁺·of Egypts² and·unto the·border·of Sterile ➝north
to·the·Cashierïte she·is·considered
the·five·of the·princes⁺·of Palestinians⁺ the·Mightyïte and·the·Breasterïte the·Shekelryïte the·Cellarïte
and·the·Sterileïte and·the·Guiltieses⁺ :
from·right all·of the·land·of the·Cashierïte and·Barrens that to·the·Hunterïtes⁺ unto ➝Channel
unto the·border·of the·Amurruïte :
and·the·land·of the·Borderïte and·all·of the·Whitemost the·dawn·of the·sun
from·Master·of Clout
under the·mount·of Heremon
unto to·Entrance·of Rampart :
all·of the·settling⁺·of the·mount from the·Whitemost unto Burnings Waters⁺ all·of Hunterïtes⁺
I I·disinherit·them
from·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
only ꜝlet·her·fall to·Princepowr in·derivation
as·how I·commanded·you :
and·now ꜝdivide °the·land this in·derivation to·the·nine·of the·stems⁺
and·the·half·of the·stem the·Frustration :
near·him the·See-Sonïte and·the·Cloutïte
they·took⁺ their·derivation
that he·gave to·them Moseh in·the·region·across the·Descender ➝dawn
as·how he·gave to·them
Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ :
from·Bare-Bare that upon the·lip·of the·river·of Shouting and·the·city that in·the·midst·of the·river and·all·of the·straight·place Tough-Waters unto Sobbing :
and·all·of the·cities⁺·of Rubbler the·king·of the·Amurruïte
that he·was·king in·Consideration
unto the·border·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled :
and·the·Roll-of-Witness and·the·border·of the·Bridgeïte and·the·Batteringïte and·all·of the·mount·of Heremon and·all·of the·Bashan unto Salcah :
all·of the·kingdom·of Loaf in·the·Bashan
that he·was·king in·blessings⁺ and·in·Arm
he he·survived from·the·remainder·of the·Raphahs⁺
and·he·strikes·them Moseh and·he·disinherits·them :
and they·did·not·disinherit⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
°the·Bridgeïte and·°the·Batteringïte
and·he·settles Bridge and·Battering in·the·impresence·of Princepowr
unto the·day this :
only to·the·stem·of the·Debtor
he·did·not·give derivation
the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr he his·derivation
as·how he·spoke to·him :
and·he·gives Moseh
to·the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of See-Son to·their·families⁺ :
and·he·is to·them the·border from·Bare-Bare that upon the·lip·of the·river·of Shouting and·the·city that in·the·midst·of the·river and·all·of the·straight·place upon Tough-Waters :
Consideration and·all·of her·cities⁺ that in·the·straight·place
Sobbing and·Daises⁺·of Master
and·House Master·of Home :
and➝Yahatz and·Fronts⁺ and·Shining :
and·Wallings² and·Spice
and·¬Zereth the·Morning in·the·mount·of the·deepland :
and·House·of Gap and·the·slopes⁺·of the·Pondering and·House·of the·Desolations⁺ :
and·all·of the·cities⁺·of the·straight·place
and·all·of the·kingdom·of Rubbler the·king·of the·Amurruïte
that he·was·king in·Consideration
that he·struck Moseh °him and·°the·wellborns⁺·of Vindictiveness °Yearning and·°¬Rekem and·°Rock and·°Brilliant and·°¬Reba·of
the·libators⁺·of Rubbler
the·settling⁺·of the·land :
and·°Devouring-People the·son·of Consuming that·divines
they·killed⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr in·the·sword to their·pierced⁺ :
and·he·is the·border·of the·sons⁺·of See-Son
the·Descender and·border
this the·derivation·of the·sons⁺·of See-Son to·their·families⁺
the·cities⁺ and·their·courtyards⁺ :
and·he·gives Moseh to·the·branch·of Clout
to·the·sons⁺·of Clout to·their·families⁺ :
and·he·is to·them the·border
He-Helps and·all·of the·cities⁺·of the·Roll-of-Witness
and·the·half·of the·land·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled
unto Bare-Bare that upon the·face⁺·of Many :
and·from·Consideration unto the·height·of the·sentry·post and·¬Betonim
and·from·Camps² unto the·border·of No-Speak :
and·in·the·deepland House·of the·Height and·House·of Leopardess and·Knitshelters and·North the·remainder·of the·kingdom·of Rubbler the·king·of Consideration
the·Descender and·border
unto the·end·of the·sea·of Lyre
the·region·across the·Descender ➝dawn :
this the·derivation·of the·sons⁺·of Clout to·their·families⁺
the·cities⁺ and·their·courtyards⁺ :
and·he·gives Moseh
to·the·half·of the·stem·of Frustration
and·he·is to·the·half·of the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Frustration to·their·families⁺ :
and·he·is their·border from·Camps² all·of the·Bashan all·of the·kingdom·of Loaf the·king·of the·Bashan and·all·of the·lifeplaces⁺·of Enlightener that in·the·Bashan sixty⁺ city :
and·the·half·of the·Roll-of-Witness and·blessings⁺ and·Arm
the·cities⁺·of the·kingdom·of Loaf in·the·Bashan
to·the·sons⁺·of Seller the·son·of Frustration
to·the·half·of the·sons⁺·of Seller to·their·families⁺ :
these that he·gave·as·derivation Moseh in·Arabahs⁺·of From-Father
from·the·region·across to·Descender·of Breath ➝dawn :
and·to·the·stem·of the·Debtor
he·did·not·give Moseh derivation
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr he their·derivation
as·how he·spoke to·them :
and·these that they·derived⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr in·the·land·of Cashier
that they·gave·as·derivation⁺ °them Powr-Helped the·priest and·Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer
and·the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺·of the·branches⁺ to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
in·the·lot·of their·derivation
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of Moseh
to·the·nine·of the·branches⁺ and·the·half·of the·branch :
as he·gave Moseh the·derivation·of the·two²·of the·branches⁺ and·the·half·of the·branch
from·region·across to·the·Descender
he·did·not·give derivation in·their·midst :
as they·were⁺ the·sons⁺·of He-Adds two²·of branches⁺ Frustration and·Fruits²
and they·did·not·give⁺ dividend to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ in·the·land but rather cities⁺ to·settle
to·their·stock and·to·their·stock :
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh
surely they·did⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·divide⁺ °the·land :
and·they·approach⁺ the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand to Yʜᴡ-Saved in·the·Rolling
and·he·says to·him
Dog the·son·of He-Faces the·Trackerïte
you you·knew °the·speech that he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh the·man·of the·Powers⁺ upon my·matters⁺ and·upon your·matters⁺ in·Sanctuary Son-of-Rattle :
son·of forty⁺ year I when·sending Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ °me from·Sanctuary Son-of-Rattle to·footspy °the·land
and·I·return °him speech
as·how near my·heart :
and·my·brothers⁺ that they·went·up⁺ near·me
they·dampened⁺ °the·heart·of the·people
and·I I·filled
after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ :
and·he·vows·seven Moseh in·the·day he saying
if not the·land that she·stepped·forward your·foot in·her
to·you she·is to·derivation and·to·your·sons⁺ unto eternity
as you·filled
after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ :
and·now ¡lo! he·kept·alive Yʜᴡʜ °me as·how he·spoke
this forty⁺ and·five year from·then·on he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ °the·speech this to Moseh
that he·walked Princepowr in·the·outspeak
and·now ¡lo! I the·day
son·of five and·eighty⁺ year :
I·am·still the·day firm as·how in·day·of sending °me Moseh
as·my·vigor then and·as·my·vigor now
to·the·battle and·to·go and·to·enter :
and·now ꜝgive! to·me °the·mount this
that he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ in·the·day he
as you you·heard in·the·day he as Pendantïtes⁺ there and·cities⁺ great⁺ fortified⁺
¿maybe Yʜᴡʜ with·me and·I·disinherited·them
as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·kneels·him Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·he·gives °Alliance to·Dog the·son·of He-Faces to·derivation :
upon surely she·was Alliance to·Dog the·son·of He-Faces the·Trackerïte to·derivation
unto the·day this
because that he·filled
after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·the·name·of Alliance to·face⁺ Walledcity·of Four
the·adam the·great in·the·Pendantïtes⁺ he
and·the·land she·was·quiet from·battle :
and·he·is the·lot to·the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand to·their·families⁺
to the·border·of Blood the·outspeak·of Tzin ➝negev from·end·of right :
and·he·is to·them border·of negev
from·the·end·of the·sea·of the·salt
from the·tongue that·faces ➝negev :
and·he·went to from·negev to·Upward·Way·of Scorpions⁺ and·he·crossed·over ➝Tzin
and·he·went·up from·negev to·Sanctuary Son-of-Rattle
and·he·crossed·over Courtyard and·he·went·up ➝Regal
and·he·was·turned·around ➝the·Floor :
and·he·crossed·over ➝Bony and·he·went the·river·of Egypts²
and·they·were⁺ the·outgoings⁺·of the·border ➝sea
this he·is to·you⁺ border·of negev :
and·border ➝frontward the·sea·of the·salt
unto the·end·of the·Descender
and·border to·edge·of ➝north from·the·tongue·of the·sea
from·the·end·of the·Descender :
and·he·went·up the·border House·of Partridge
and·he·crossed·over from·the·north to·House·of the·Arabah
and·he·went·up the·border
the·stone·of ¬Bohan the·son·of See-Son :
and·he·went·up the·border ➝Speakingplace from·the·deepland·of Roiling
and➝north facing to the·Rolling that in·view to·the·upward·way·of Bloodyreds⁺
that from·negev to·the·river
and·he·crossed·over the·border to the·waters⁺·of Eyewell·of Sun
and·they·were⁺ his·outgoings⁺ to Eyewell·of Footer :
and·he·went·up the·border the·valley·of Son·of Hinnom to the·shoulder·of the·Troddenïte from·negev
she Torahshalom
and·he·went·up the·border to the·head·of the·mount that upon the·face⁺·of the·valley·of Hinnom ➝sea
that in·the·end·of the·deepland·of Raphahs⁺ ➝north :
and·he·was·figured the·border from·the·head·of the·mount to the·eyewell·of the·waters⁺·of ¬Neptoah
and·he·went to the·cities⁺·of the·mount·of Dusty
and·he·was·figured the·border Mistress
she Walledcity·of Forests⁺ :
and·he·was·turned·around the·border from·Mistress ➝sea to the·mount·of Hair
and·he·crossed·over to the·shoulder·of the·mount·of Forests⁺ from➝north she Fool
and·he·descended House·of Sun and·he·crossed·over Lot :
and·he·went the·border to the·shoulder·of Sterile ➝north
and·he·was·figured the·border ➝¬Shicron
and·he·crossed·over the·mount·of the·Mistress and·he·went Powr-Builds
and·they·were⁺ the·outgoings⁺·of the·border ➝sea :
and·border·of sea
➝the·sea the·great and·border
this the·border·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand turninground to·their·families⁺ :
and·to·Dog the·son·of He-Faces he·gave dividend in·the·midst·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand
to the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ to·Yʜᴡ-Saved
°Walledcity·of Four the·father·of the·Pendant she Alliance :
and·he·disinherits from·there Dog
°three the·sons⁺·of the·Pendant
°Linen and·°Brother-of-Lot and·°My-Terrace
the·children⁺·of the·Pendant :
and·he·goes·up from·there
to the·settling⁺·of Speakingplace
and·the·name·of Speakingplace to·face⁺ Walledcity·of Account :
and·he·says Dog
that he·strikes °Walledcity·of Account and·he·seized·her
and·I·gave to·him °Bangle my·daughter to·woman :
and·he·seizes·her Otny-of-Powr the·son·of Tracker the·brother·of Dog
and·he·gives to·him °Bangle his·daughter to·woman :
and·he·is when·she·enters and·she·coaxes·him to·request from·with her·father field
and·she·glides·down from·upon the·donkey
and·he·says to·her Dog ¿what to·you :
and·she·says ꜝgive! to·me kneeling as the·land·of the·Negev you·gave·me
and·you·gave to·me rollbasins⁺·of waters⁺
and·he·gives to·her °rollbasins⁺ upper⁺
and·°rollbasins⁺ undermost⁺ :
this the·derivation·of the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand to·their·families⁺ :
and·they·are⁺ the·cities⁺ from·the·end to·the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand
to the·border·of Blood in➝the·Negev
Collected-of-Powr and·Flock and·¬Jagur :
and·Dirge and·Bloodness and·Assembly :
and·Sanctuary and·Courtyard and·¬Ithnan :
Tar and·¬Telem and·Mistresses :
and·Courtyard New and·Wallings⁺
Courtyard she Courtyard :
MamA and·Heard and·¬Moladah :
and·Courtyard·of Clout and·Opulent and·House·of Rescue :
and·Courtyard·of Fox and·Well·of Seven and·¬Bizjothjah :
Mistress and·Guilts and·Bone :
and·¬Eltolad and·Fool and·Heremah :
and·Tziqlag and·Dung·Place and·Limb-Limb :
and·¬Lebaoth and·Sendouts and·Eyewell and·Pomegranate
all·of cities⁺ twenty⁺ and·nine and·their·courtyards⁺ :
Eshta-Ol and·Leper and·Asleeping :
and·¬Zanoah and·Eyewell Guardens⁺
Blossom and·the·Eyewells² :
Heights and·Adlam
Knitted and·Imprinted :
and·Gates² and·Decorateds²
and·the·Fence and·Defences²
cities⁺ four and·ten and·their·courtyards⁺ :
¬Zenan and·New and·Great·Tower·of Clout :
and·¬Dilean and·the·Sentry·Post and·Obedient-Powr :
Lakysh and·Doughy and·Oxly :
and·¬Cabbon and·¬Lahmam and·¬Kithlish :
and·Defences⁺ House·of Fishness and·Amiable and·Speckle·Place
cities⁺ six and·ten and·their·courtyards⁺ :
Whitetree and·¬Ether and·Smoke :
and·He-Opens and·Asleeping and·Post :
and·Sling and·Lying and·Headrest
cities⁺ nine and·their·courtyards⁺ :
Sterile and·her·daughters⁺ and·her·courtyards⁺ :
from·Sterile and➝sea
all that upon the·hand·of Breaster and·their·courtyards⁺ :
Breaster her·daughters⁺ and·her·courtyards⁺ Mighty her·daughters⁺ and·her·courtyards⁺ unto the·river·of Egypts²
and·the·sea the·great and·border :
Slandered and·Immanent and·Knitted :
and·¬Dannah and·Walledcity·of Limb she Speakingplace :
and·¬Anab and·Eshte-Moa and·¬Anim :
and·Goshen and·Sandy and·Stripping
cities⁺ one·of and·ten and·their·courtyards⁺ :
Ambush and·Height and·¬Eshean :
and·¬Janum and·House·of Blossom and·Channel :
and·¬Humtah and·Walledcity·of Four she Alliance and·Least
cities⁺ nine and·their·courtyards⁺ :
Home Orchardgrain and·Tar and·¬Juttah :
and·Powr-Seeds and·Smoldering-People and·¬Zanoah :
the·Stock Hill and·Lot
cities⁺ ten and·their·courtyards⁺ :
Whirlwhirl House·of Rock and·Fence :
and·¬Maarath and·House·of Responses and·¬Eltekon
cities⁺ six and·their·courtyards⁺ :
Walledcity·of Master she Walledcity·of Forests⁺ and·the·Many
cities⁺ two² and·their·courtyards⁺ :
House·of Arabah
¬Middin and·Knittogether :
and·the·¬Nibshan and·City the·Salt and·Eyewell·of Kid
cities⁺ six and·their·courtyards⁺ :
and·with the·Troddenïte the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom
they·were·not·able⁺ the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand to·disinherit·them
and·he·settles the·Troddenïte with the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand in·Torahshalom
unto the·day this :
and·he·goes the·lot to·the·sons⁺·of He-Adds from·Descender·of Breath
to·the·waters⁺·of Breath ➝dawn
the·outspeak going·up from·Breath in·the·mount House·of Powr :
and·he·went from·House·of Powr ➝Skew
and·he·crossed·over to the·border·of the·Longïte Crownses⁺ :
and·he·descended ➝sea to the·border·of the·He-Rescuesïte unto the·border·of House·of Brilliant Undermost and·unto Section
and·they·were⁺ his·outgoings⁺ ➝sea :
and·they·derive⁺ the·sons⁺·of He-Adds Frustration and·Fruits² :
and·he·is the·border·of the·sons⁺·of Fruits² to·their·families⁺
and·he·is the·border·of their·derivation ➝dawn
Crowns Regal
unto House·of Brilliant Uppermost :
and·he·went the·border ➝the·sea the·¬Michmethath from·north
and·he·was·turned·around the·border ➝dawn Occasion·of Relaxation
and·he·crossed·over °him
from·the·dawn·of Peace :
and·he·descended from·Peace Crownses⁺ and➝Youth
and·he·pegged in·Breath
and·he·went the·Descender :
from·Blossom he·walks the·border ➝sea the·river·of ¬Kanah
and·they·were⁺ his·outgoings⁺ ➝the·sea
this the·derivation·of the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Fruits² to·their·families⁺ :
and·the·cities⁺ the·separate·places⁺ to·the·sons⁺·of Fruits²
in·the·midst·of the·derivation·of the·sons⁺·of Frustration
all·of the·cities⁺ and·their·courtyards⁺ :
and they·did·not·disinherit⁺
°the·Cashierïte that·settles in·Section
and·he·settles the·Cashierïte in·the·impresence·of Fruits² unto the·day this
and·he·is to·levy·of servant :
and·he·is the·lot to·the·branch·of Frustration
as he the·firstborn·of He-Adds
to·Seller the·firstborn·of Frustration the·father·of the·Roll-of-Witness as he he·was man·of battle
and·he·is to·him the·Roll-of-Witness and·the·Bashan :
and·he·is to·the·sons⁺·of Frustration the·remnants⁺ to·their·families⁺
to·the·sons⁺·of Father-of-Help and·to·the·sons⁺·of Dividend and·to·the·sons⁺·of Blest-of-Powr and·to·the·sons⁺·of Yoke
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Digging and·to·the·sons⁺·of Name-Knows
these the·sons⁺·of Frustration the·son·of He-Adds the·membered⁺ to·their·families⁺ :
and·to·Tzalaf-One the·son·of Digging the·son·of Roll-of-Witness the·son·of Seller the·son·of Frustration they·were·not⁺ to·him sons⁺ but rather daughters⁺
and·these the·names⁺·of his·daughters⁺
Pierced and·Rattle
Partridge Queen and·Favored :
and·they·are·present⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Powr-Helped the·priest and·to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer and·to·the·face⁺·of the·wellborns⁺ saying
Yʜᴡʜ he·commanded °Moseh
to·give to·us derivation in·the·midst·of our·brothers⁺
and·he·gives to·them to the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ derivation
in·the·midst·of the·brothers⁺·of their·father :
and·they·fall⁺ the·ropes⁺·of Frustration ten
aloneside from·the·land·of the·Roll-of-Witness and·the·Bashan
that from·the·region·across to·the·Descender :
as the·daughters⁺·of Frustration
they·derived⁺ derivation in·the·midst·of his·sons⁺
and·the·land·of the·Roll-of-Witness
she·was to·the·sons⁺·of Frustration the·remnants⁺ :
and·he·is the·border·of Frustration from·Blessed
that upon the·face⁺·of Yoke
and·he·walked the·border to the·right
to the·settling⁺·of Eyewell·of Blossom :
to·Frustration she·was the·land·of Blossom
and·Blossom to the·border·of Frustration to·the·sons⁺·of Fruits² :
and·he·descended the·border the·river·of ¬Kanah ➝negev to·the·river cities⁺ these to·Fruits²
in·the·midst·of the·cities⁺·of Frustration
and·the·border·of Frustration from·the·north to·the·river
and·he·is his·outgoings⁺ ➝the·sea :
➝negev to·Fruits² and➝north to·Frustration
and·he·is the·sea his·border
and·in·Blessed they·peg⁺ from·north
and·in·He-Is-Hire from·dawn :
and·he·is to·Frustration in·He-Is-Hire and·in·Blessed House·of Placidity and·her·daughters⁺ and·Devouring-People and·her·daughters⁺ and·°the·settling⁺·of Saeculo and·her·daughters⁺ and·the·settling⁺·of Eyewell·of Saeculum and·her·daughters⁺
and·the·settling⁺·of Taanak and·her·daughters⁺
and·the·settling⁺·of Clout-Place and·her·daughters⁺
the·three·of the·altitude :
and they·were·not·able⁺ the·sons⁺·of Frustration
to·disinherit °the·cities⁺ these
and·he·wills the·Cashierïte
to·settle in·the·land this :
and·he·is as they·were·firm⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·give⁺ °the·Cashierïte to·levy
and·disinheriting he·did·not·disinherit·him :
and·they·speak⁺ the·sons⁺·of He-Adds
with Yʜᴡ-Saved saying
¿know·why you·gave to·me derivation lot one and·rope one
and·I people much
unto that unto thus he·knelt·me Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says to·them Yʜᴡ-Saved if people much you ꜝgo·up to·you ➝the·forest
and·you·reshaped to·you there
in·the·land·of the·Villageïte and·the·Raphahs⁺
as he·was·hasty to·you the·mount·of Fruits² :
and·they·say⁺ the·sons⁺·of He-Adds
he·is·not·found to·us the·mount
and·chariot·of iron in·all·of the·Cashierïte that·settles in·the·land·of the·deepland
to·that in·House·of Placidity and·her·daughters⁺
and·to·that in·the·deepland·of Powr-Seeds :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved to the·house·of He-Adds
to·Fruits² and·to·Frustration saying
people much you and·vigor great to·you
he·is·not to·you lot one :
as mount he·is to·you as forest he
and·he·was to·you his·outgoings⁺
as you·disinherit °the·Cashierïte as chariot·of iron to·him
as firm he :
and·they·congregate⁺ all·of the·assembly·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr Relaxation
and·they·dwell⁺ there °tent·of assembly
and·the·land she·was·subdued to·their·face⁺ :
and·they·remain⁺ in·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
that they·did·not·divide⁺ °their·derivation
seven stems⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
unto ¿where you⁺ slackening·themselves⁺
to·enter to·inherit °the·land
that he·gave to·you⁺
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of your⁺·fathers⁺ :
ꜝgrant⁺ to·you⁺ three mortals⁺ to·the·stem
and·I·send·them and·they·arise⁺ and·they·walk·themselves⁺ in·the·land and·they·write⁺ °her to·the·mouth·of their·derivation and·they·enter⁺ to·me :
and·they·divided·among·themselves⁺ °her to·seven dividends⁺
Gloryhand he·stands upon his·border from·negev
and·the·house·of He-Adds they·stand⁺ upon their·border from·north :
and·you⁺ you·write⁺ °the·land seven dividends⁺
and·you·brought·in⁺ to·me here
and·I·torahed to·you⁺ lot ẖere
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ :
as there·is·ńot dividend to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ in·your⁺·impresence
as the·priesthood·of Yʜᴡʜ his·derivation
and·Clout and·See-Son and·the·half·of the·stem·of the·Frustration they·took⁺ their·derivation from·the·region·across to·the·Descender ➝dawn
that he·gave to·them
Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·arise⁺ the·mortals⁺ and·they·walk⁺
and·he·commands Yʜᴡ-Saved °that·walk⁺ to·write °the·land saying ꜝwalk⁺ and·ꜝwalk·yourselves⁺ in·the·land and·ꜝwrite⁺ °her and·ꜝreturn⁺ to·me
and·ẖere I·drop to·you⁺ lot to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ in·Relaxation :
and·they·walk⁺ the·mortals⁺ and·they·cross·over⁺ in·the·land
and·they·write⁺·her to·the·cities⁺ to·seven dividends⁺ upon account
and·they·enter⁺ to Yʜᴡ-Saved to the·camp Relaxation :
and·he·drops to·them Yʜᴡ-Saved lot in·Relaxation to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·divides there Yʜᴡ-Saved °the·land to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr as·their·divisions⁺ :
and·he·goes·up the·lot·of the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Son-of-Right to·their·families⁺
and·he·goes the·border·of their·lot
between the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand
and·between the·sons⁺·of He-Adds :
and·he·is to·them the·border to·edge·of ➝north from the·Descender
and·he·went·up the·border to the·shoulder·of Breath from·north and·he·went·up in·the·mount ➝sea
and·they·were⁺ his·outgoings⁺
➝the·outspeak·of House·of Iniquity :
and·he·crossed·over from·there the·border ➝Skew to the·shoulder·of ➝Skew ➝negev
she House·of Powr
and·he·descended the·border Crowns Regal
upon the·mount that from·negev to·House·of Brilliant Undermost :
and·he·was·figured the·border and·he·was·turned·around to·edge·of sea ➝negev from the·mount that upon the·face⁺·of House·of Brilliant ➝negev
and·they·were⁺ his·outgoings⁺ to Walledcity·of Master she Walledcity·of Forests⁺
the·city·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand
this edge·of sea :
and·edge·of ➝negev from·the·end·of Walledcity·of Forests⁺
and·he·went the·border ➝sea
and·he·went to the·eyewell·of the·waters⁺·of ¬Neptoah :
and·he·descended the·border to the·end·of the·mount that upon the·face⁺·of the·valley·of Son·of Hinnom
that in·the·deepland·of Raphahs⁺ ➝north
and·he·descended the·valley·of Hinnom to the·shoulder·of the·Troddenïte ➝negev
and·he·descended Eyewell·of Footer :
and·he·was·figured from·north and·he·went Eyewell·of Sun
and·he·went to Rolls⁺·of
that in·view·of the·upward·way·of Bloodyreds⁺
and·he·descended the·stone·of ¬Bohan the·son·of See-Son :
and·he·crossed·over to the·shoulder·of the·snip·of the·arabah ➝north
and·he·descended ➝the·arabah :
and·he·crossed·over the·border to the·shoulder·of House·of Partridge ➝north
and·they·were⁺ the·outgoings⁺·of the·border to the·tongue·of the·sea·of the·salt ➝north
to the·end·of the·Descender ➝negev
this border·of negev :
and·the·Descender he·borders °him to·edge·of ➝frontward
this the·derivation·of the·sons⁺·of Son-of-Right to·her·borders⁺ turninground to·their·families⁺ :
and·they·were⁺ the·cities⁺ to·the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Son-of-Right to·their·families⁺
Breath and·House·of Partridge and·the·deepland·of End :
and·House·of the·Arabah and·Wools² and·House·of Powr :
and·the·Guiltieses⁺ and·the·Cow and·Dusty :
and·the·atoned-village·of the·Peopledïte and·the·¬Ophni and·Hill
cities⁺ two² and·ten and·their·courtyards⁺ :
Hillside and·the·High·Place and·Wells :
and·the·Sentry·Post and·the·Wolf and·the·¬Mozah :
and·¬Rekem and·Powr-Heals and·Taralah :
and·Limping Thousand and·the·Troddenïte she Torahshalom Hilly·of Walledcity·of
cities⁺ four and·ten and·their·courtyards⁺
this the·derivation·of the·sons⁺·of Son-of-Right to·their·families⁺ :
and·he·goes the·lot the·second to·Heard
to·the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Heard to·their·families⁺
and·he·is their·derivation
in·the·midst·of the·derivation·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand :
and·he·is to·them in·their·derivation
Well·of Seven and·Seven and·¬Moladah :
and·Courtyard·of Fox and·¬Balah and·Bone :
and·¬Eltolad and·Virgin and·Heremah :
and·Tziqlag and·House·of the·Chariots and·Courtyard·of Horse :
and·House·of Coyotes⁺ and·Boundary-of-Grace
cities⁺ three·of and·ten and·their·courtyards⁺ :
Eyewell Pomegranate and·¬Ether and·Smoke
cities⁺ four and·their·courtyards⁺ :
and·all·of the·courtyards⁺ that turninground⁺ the·cities⁺ these
unto Mistress·of Well the·high·place·of Negev
this the·derivation·of the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Heard to·their·families⁺ :
from·the·rope·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand
the·derivation·of the·sons⁺·of Heard
as he·was the·dividend·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand much from·them
and·they·derive⁺ the·sons⁺·of Heard in·the·midst·of their·derivation :
and·he·goes·up the·lot the·third
to·the·sons⁺·of Residence to·their·families⁺
and·he·is the·border·of their·derivation unto Escapee :
and·he·went·up their·border to➝the·sea and·¬Maralah and·he·pegged in·Honeycomb
and·he·pegged to the·river
that upon the·face⁺·of Dirging-People :
and·he·returned from·Escapee ➝frontward the·dawn·of the·sun
upon the·border·of Follies⁺·of Summit
and·he·went to the·Speech and·he·went·up Shining :
and·from·there he·crossed·over ➝frontward ➝dawn
➝Cellar·of Digging ➝Season·of Endofficer
and·he·went Pomegranate that·is·figured the·¬Neah :
and·he·was·turned·around °him the·border
from·the·north·of Gratiated
and·they·were⁺ his·outgoings⁺
the·valley·of He-Opens Powr :
and·Smallness and·Leadoff and·Watching
and·¬Idalah and·House·of Bread
cities⁺ two² and·ten and·their·courtyards⁺ :
this the·derivation·of the·sons⁺·of Residence to·their·families⁺
the·cities⁺ these and·their·courtyards⁺ :
he·went the·lot the·fourth
to·the·sons⁺·of He-Is-Hire to·their·families⁺ :
and·he·is their·border
➝Powr-Seeds and·the·Fooleds⁺ and·Serene :
and·Diggings² and·Vanity and·Snortling :
and·the·Multitude and·¬Kishion and·Abez :
and·Heights and·Eyewell·of Guardens⁺ and·Eyewell·of Sharpness and·House·of Scattering :
and·he·pegged the·border in·Summit and·¬Shahazimah and·House·of Sun
and·they·were⁺ the·outgoings⁺·of their·border the·Descender
cities⁺ six and·ten and·their·courtyards⁺ :
this the·derivation·of the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of He-Is-Hire to·their·families⁺
the·cities⁺ and·their·courtyards⁺ :
and·he·goes the·lot the·fifth
to·the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Blessed to·their·families⁺ :
and·he·is their·border
Division·of and·Piercing·of and·Belly and·Sorcerer :
and·¬Alammelech and·¬Amad and·¬Mishal
and·he·pegged in·Orchardgrain ➝the·sea
and·in·Murk Whites :
and·he·returned the·dawn·of the·sun House·of Fishness
and·he·pegged in·Residence and·in·the·valley·of He-Opens Powr ➝north House·of the·Deepland and·¬Neiel
and·he·went to Shackled from·left :
and·Crossing and·Broadway and·¬Hammon and·¬Kanah
unto Hunter much :
and·he·returned the·border the·High·Place
and·unto the·city·of the·fortification·of Rock
and·he·returned the·border Refuge
and·they·were⁺ his·outgoings⁺ ➝the·sea from·rope ➝Lying :
and·¬Ummah and·Channel and·Broadway
cities⁺ twenty⁺ and·two² and·their·courtyards⁺ :
this the·derivation·of the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Blessed to·their·families⁺
the·cities⁺ these and·their·courtyards⁺ :
to·the·sons⁺·of Knot
he·went the·lot the·sixth
to·the·sons⁺·of Knot to·their·families⁺ :
and·he·is their·border from·Exchange from·powrtree in·Migrations⁺ and·My-Adam the·Puncturepipe and·Powr-Builds unto Laqqum
and·he·is his·outgoings⁺ the·Descender :
and·he·returned the·border ➝sea Ears⁺·of Summit
and·he·went from·there ➝¬Hukkok
and·he·pegged in·Residence from·negev and·in·Blessed he·pegged from·sea
the·Descender the·dawn·of the·sun :
and·cities⁺·of fortification
the·Hips⁺·of Rock
and·Hot·Springs ¬Rakkath and·Lyre :
and·Adamah and·the·High·Place and·Courtyard :
and·Sanctuary and·Arm and·Eyewell·of Courtyard :
and·Fearfulness and·Great·Tower·of Powr
Herem and·House·of Response and·House·of Sun
cities⁺ nine·of and·ten and·their·courtyards⁺ :
this the·derivation·of the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Knot to·their·families⁺
the·cities⁺ and·their·courtyards⁺ :
to·the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Vindicator to·their·families⁺
he·went the·lot the·seventh :
and·he·is the·border·of their·derivation
Leper and·Eshta-Ol and·City Sun :
and·Foxbys⁺ and·Powerest and·¬Jethlah :
and·Powrtree and➝Lot and·Sterile :
and·¬Eltekeh and·Hilliness and·Mistressship :
and·Gloryhand and·Sons⁺·of Flash and·Cellar Pomegranate :
and·the·waters⁺·of the·Greenishness and·the·¬Rakkon
near the·border the·snip·of Beautiful :
and·he·goes the·border·of the·sons⁺·of Vindicator from·them
and·they·go·up⁺ the·sons⁺·of Vindicator and·they·battle⁺ near Jacinth and·they·seize⁺ °her and·they·strike⁺ °her to·mouth·of sword and·they·inherit⁺ °her and·they·settle⁺ in·her
and·they·call⁺ to·Jacinth Vindicator
as·the·name·of Vindicator their·father :
this the·derivation·of the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Vindicator to·their·families⁺
the·cities⁺ these and·their·courtyards⁺ :
and·they·are·all·done⁺ to·derive °the·land to·her·borders⁺
and·they·give⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr derivation to·Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer in·their·midst :
upon the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ they·gave⁺ to·him °the·city that he·requested
°Lot·of Dangling in·the·mount·of Fruits²
and·he·builds °the·city and·he·settles in·her :
these the·derivations⁺ that they·gave·as·derivation⁺ Powr-Helped the·priest and·Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer and·the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺ to·the·branches⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr in·lot in·Relaxation to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
opening·of tent·of assembly
and·they·are·all·done⁺ from·dividing °the·land :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ
to Yʜᴡ-Saved saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr saying
ꜝgive⁺ to·you⁺ °the·cities⁺·of the·shelter
that I·spoke to·you⁺ in·the·hand·of Moseh :
to·flee ➝there murderer
striking·of soul in·straying in·no knowledge
and·they·were⁺ to·you⁺ to·shelter
from·the·goel·of the·blood :
and·he·fled to one from·the·cities⁺ these and·he·stood the·opening·of the·gate·of the·city
and·he·spoke in·the·ears²·of the·elders⁺·of the·city she °his·speeches⁺
and·they·gathered⁺ °him ➝the·city to·them
and·they·gave⁺ to·him rising·place and·he·settled near·them :
and·as he·pursues the·goel·of the·blood after⁺·him
and they·do·not·lock·up⁺ °the·murderer in·his·hand
as in·no knowledge he·struck °his·tendent
and·not hating he to·him from·recent threeday :
and·he·settled in·the·city she unto his·standing to·the·face⁺·of the·assembly to·the·judgment
unto the·death·of the·priest the·great
that he·is in·the·days⁺ they⁺
then he·returns the·murderer and·he·entered to his·city and·to his·house
to the·city that he·fled from·there :
and·they·make·sacred⁺ °Sanctuary in·the·Roll in·the·mount·of Knot
and·°Yoke in·the·mount·of Fruits²
and·°Walledcity·of Four she Alliance in·the·mount·of Gloryhand :
and·from·the·region·across to·Descender·of Breath ➝dawn
they·gave⁺ °Fortress in·the·outspeak in·the·straight·place from·the·branch·of See-Son
and·°Heights in·the·Roll-of-Witness from·the·branch·of Clout
and·°Stripped in·the·Bashan from·the·branch·of Frustration :
these they·were⁺ the·cities⁺·of the·assembly·place to·all·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·to·the·lodger the·lodger in·their·midst
to·flee ➝there
all·of striking·of soul in·straying
and he·does·not·die in·the·hand·of the·goel·of the·blood
unto his·standing to·the·face⁺·of the·assembly :
and·they·approach⁺ the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺·of the·Debtorïtes⁺
to Powr-Helped the·priest
and·to Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer
and·to the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺·of the·branches⁺ to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·they·speak⁺ to·them in·Relaxation in·the·land·of Cashiers⁺ saying
Yʜᴡʜ he·commanded in·the·hand·of Moseh
to·give to·us cities⁺ to·settle
and·their·cattle·drives⁺ to·our·beast :
and·they·give⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ from·their·derivation to the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ
°the·cities⁺ these and·°their·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·he·goes the·lot to·the·families⁺·of the·Associateïte
and·he·is to·the·sons⁺·of Aharon the·priest from the·Debtorïtes⁺ from·the·branch·of Gloryhand and·from·the·branch·of the·Heardïte and·from·the·branch·of Son-of-Right in·the·lot
cities⁺ three·of and·ten :
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Associate the·remnants⁺ from·the·families⁺·of the·branch·of Fruits² and·from·the·branch·of Vindicator and·from·the·half·of the·branch·of Frustration in·the·lot cities⁺ ten :
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Driven from·the·families⁺·of the·branch·of He-Is-Hire and·from·the·branch·of Blessed and·from·the·branch·of Knot and·from·the·half·of the·branch·of Frustration in·the·Bashan in·the·lot
cities⁺ three·of and·ten :
to·the·sons⁺·of Bitterness to·their·families⁺ from·the·branch·of See-Son and·from·the·branch·of Clout and·from·the·branch·of Residence
cities⁺ two² and·ten :
and·they·give⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to·the·Debtorïtes⁺
°the·cities⁺ these and·°their·cattle·drives⁺
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of Moseh in·the·lot :
and·they·give⁺ from·the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand
and·from·the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Heard
°the·cities⁺ these
that he·calls °them in·name :
and·he·is to·the·sons⁺·of Aharon
from·the·families⁺·of the·Associateïte from·the·sons⁺·of Debtor
as to·them he·was the·lot headmost :
and·they·give⁺ to·them °Walledcity·of Four the·father·of the·Pendant she Alliance in·the·mount·of Gloryhand
and·with her·cattle·drives⁺ turninground⁺·her :
and·°the·field·of the·city and·°her·courtyards⁺
they·gave⁺ to·Dog the·son·of He-Faces in·his·freehold :
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Aharon the·priest they·gave⁺ °the·city·of the·shelter·of the·murderer
°Alliance and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Whitetree and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·°Immanent and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Eshte-Moa and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·°Sandy and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Speakingplace and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·°Eyewell and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ and·°¬Juttah and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°House·of Sun and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
cities⁺ nine
from·with the·two²·of the·stems⁺ these :
and·from·the·branch·of Son-of-Right
°Hillside and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°Hill and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
°Responses and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Girlish and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
cities⁺ four :
all·of the·cities⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Aharon the·priests⁺
three·of and·ten cities⁺ and·their·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·to·the·families⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Associate the·Debtorïtes⁺
the·remnants⁺ from·the·sons⁺·of Associate
and·he·is the·cities⁺·of their·lot
from·the·branch·of Fruits² :
and·they·give⁺ to·them °the·city·of the·shelter·of the·murderer °Yoke and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ in·the·mount·of Fruits²
and·°Section and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·°Collections² and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°House·of Brilliant and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
cities⁺ four :
and·from·the·branch·of Vindicator
°¬Eltekeh and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°Hilliness and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
°Powerest and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°Cellar Pomegranate and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
cities⁺ four :
and·from·the·half·of the·branch·of Frustration
°Taanak and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Cellar Pomegranate and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
cities⁺ two² :
all·of cities⁺ ten and·their·cattle·drives⁺
to·the·families⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Associate the·remnants⁺ :
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Driven from·the·families⁺·of the·Debtorïtes⁺
from·the·half·of the·branch·of Frustration °the·city·of the·shelter·of the·murderer
°Stripped in·the·Bashan and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°¬Beeshterah and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
cities⁺ two² :
and·from·the·branch·of He-Is-Hire
°¬Kishion and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°Speech and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
°Heights and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°Eyewell·of Guardens⁺ and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
cities⁺ four :
and·from·the·branch·of Blessed
°¬Mishal and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°Service and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
°Division and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Broadway and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
cities⁺ four :
and·from·the·branch·of Knot °the·city·of the·shelter·of the·murderer °Sanctuary in·the·Roll and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ and·°Hot·Springs Saeculo and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°¬Kartan and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
cities⁺ three :
all·of the·cities⁺·of the·Drivenïte to·their·families⁺
three·of and·ten city and·their·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·to·the·families⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Bitterness the·Debtorïtes⁺ the·remnants⁺
from·with the·branch·of Residence
°Dirging-People and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°¬Kartah and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
°Dung and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°Leadoff and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
cities⁺ four :
and·from·the·branch·of See-Son
°Fortress and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°➝Yahatz and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
°Fronts⁺ and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Shining and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
cities⁺ four :
and·from·the·branch·of Clout °the·city·of the·shelter·of the·murderer
°Heights⁺ in·the·Roll-of-Witness and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Camps² and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
°Consideration and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°He-Helps and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
all·of cities⁺ four :
all·of the·cities⁺ to·the·sons⁺·of Bitterness to·their·families⁺
the·remnants⁺ from·the·families⁺·of the·Debtorïtes⁺
and·he·is their·lot
cities⁺ two² and·ten :
all·of the·cities⁺·of the·Debtorïtes⁺
in·the·midst·of the·freehold·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
cities⁺ forty⁺ and·eight and·their·cattle·drives⁺ :
they·are⁺ the·cities⁺ these
city city
and·her·cattle·drives⁺ turninground⁺·her
surely to·all·of the·cities⁺ these :
and·he·gives Yʜᴡʜ to·Princepowr
°all·of the·land
that he·vowed·seven to·give to·their·fathers⁺
and·they·inherit⁺·her and·they·settle⁺ in·her :
and·he·sets·in·peace Yʜᴡʜ to·them from·turninground
as·all that he·vowed·seven to·their·fathers⁺
and he·did·not·stand man in·their·face⁺ from·all·of their·enemies⁺
°all·of their·enemies⁺
he·gave Yʜᴡʜ in·their·hand :
he·did·not·fall speech
from·all·of the·speech the·good
that he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ to the·house·of Princepowr
all he·entered :
then he·calls Yʜᴡ-Saved
to·the·See-Sonïte and·to·the·Cloutïte
and·to·the·half·of the·branch·of Frustration :
and·he·says to·them
you⁺ you·watched⁺
°all that he·commanded °you⁺
Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·you·hear⁺ in·my·voice
to·all that I·commanded °you⁺ :
you·did·not·abandon⁺ °your⁺·brothers⁺ this days⁺ many⁺
unto the·day this
and·you·watched⁺ °the·watch·of the·commandment·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·now he·set·in·peace Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ to·your⁺·brothers⁺
as·how he·spoke to·them
and·now ꜝface⁺ and·ꜝwalk⁺ to·you⁺ to·your⁺·tents⁺ to the·land·of your⁺·freehold
that he·gave to·you⁺ Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·region·across the·Descender :
only ꜝwatch⁺ very to·do °the·commandment and·°the·torah that he·commanded °you⁺ Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·love °Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ and·to·walk in·all·of his·steps⁺ and·to·watch his·commandments⁺ and·to·be·joined in·him
and·to·serve·him in·all·of your⁺·heart and·in·all·of your⁺·soul :
and·he·kneels·them Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·they·walk⁺ to their·tents⁺ :
and·to·the·half·of the·stem·of the·Frustration he·gave Moseh in·the·Bashan
and·to·his·half he·gave Yʜᴡ-Saved near their·brothers⁺
in·the·region·across the·Descender ➝sea
and·also as he·sent·them·out Yʜᴡ-Saved to their·tents⁺ and·he·kneels·them :
and·he·says to·them saying in·assets⁺ many⁺ ꜝreturn⁺ to your⁺·tents⁺ and·in·stock much very
in·silver and·in·gold and·in·copper and·in·iron and·in·garments⁺ multiplying very
ꜝdivide⁺ the·plunder·of your⁺·enemies⁺ near your⁺·brothers⁺ :
and·they·return⁺ and·they·walk⁺ the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·the·sons⁺·of Clout and·the·half·of the·stem·of the·Frustration from·with the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
from·Relaxation that in·the·land·of Cashier
to·walk to the·land·of the·Roll-of-Witness to the·land·of their·freehold that they·were·held⁺ in·her
upon the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of Moseh :
and·they·enter⁺ to the·rollarounds⁺·of the·Descender
that in·the·land·of Cashier
and·they·build⁺ the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·the·sons⁺·of Clout and·the·half·of the·stem·of the·Frustration there offering·place upon the·Descender
offering·place great to·sight :
and·they·hear⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr saying
¡lo! they·built⁺ the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·the·sons⁺·of Clout and·the·half·of the·stem·of the·Frustration °the·offering·place to the·snip·of the·land·of Cashiers⁺
to the·rollarounds⁺·of the·Descender
to the·region·across the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·they·hear⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·congregate⁺ all·of the·assembly·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr Relaxation
to·go·up upon·them to·the·host :
and·they·send⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·to the·sons⁺·of Clout and·to the·half·of the·stem·of Frustration to the·land·of the·Roll-of-Witness
°Copper-Mouth the·son·of Powr-Helped the·priest :
and·ten wellborns⁺ near·him
wellborn one wellborn one to·house·of father
to·all·of the·branches⁺·of Princepowr
and·man the·head·of the·house·of their·fathers⁺ they⁺ to·the·thousands⁺·of Princepowr :
and·they·enter⁺ to the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·to the·sons⁺·of Clout and·to the·half·of the·stem·of Frustration to the·land·of the·Roll-of-Witness
and·they·speak⁺ with·them saying :
thus they·said⁺ all·of the·assembly·of Yʜᴡʜ ¿what the·disguisal this that you·disguised·yourselves⁺ in·Powers⁺·of Princepowr
to·return the·day
from·after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
when·you·build⁺ to·you⁺ offering·place
to·revolt·you⁺ the·day in·Yʜᴡʜ :
¿little to·us °the·guilt·of Gap
that we·did·not·purify·ourselves⁺ from·us
unto the·day this
and·he·is the·smiting in·the·assembly·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·you⁺ you·return⁺ the·day
from·after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·was you⁺ you·revolt⁺ the·day in·Yʜᴡʜ
and·aftermorrow to all·of the·assembly·of Princepowr he·is·angry :
and·surely if defiled the·land·of your⁺·freehold ꜝcross·over⁺ to·you⁺ to the·land·of the·freehold·of Yʜᴡʜ that he·dwelled there the·dwelling·place·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·ꜝbe·held⁺ in·our·midst
and·in·Yʜᴡʜ ꜝdo·not·revolt⁺ and·with·us to you·revolt⁺
when·you·build⁺ to·you⁺ offering·place
the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ :
¿not Riler the·son·of Dawn he·disguised·himself disguisal in·the·herem
and·upon all·of the·assembly·of Princepowr he·was anger
and·he man one
he·did·not·expire in·his·guilt :
and·they·respond⁺ the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·the·sons⁺·of Clout
and·the·half·of the·stem·of the·Frustration
with the·heads⁺·of the·thousands⁺·of Princepowr :
powr Powers⁺ Yʜᴡʜ powr Powers⁺ Yʜᴡʜ he knowing
and·Princepowr he he·knows
if in·revolt and·if in·disguisal in·Yʜᴡʜ
you·do·not·save·us the·day this :
to·build to·us offering·place
to·return from·after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
and·if to·offer·up upon·him upward·offering and·tribute and·if to·do upon·him offerings⁺·of shaloms⁺
Yʜᴡʜ he he·seeks :
and·if not from·anxiety from·speech
we·did⁺ °this saying
aftermorrow they·say⁺ your⁺·sons⁺ to·our·sons⁺ saying
¿what to·you⁺ and·to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·border he·gave Yʜᴡʜ between·us and·between⁺·you⁺ the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·the·sons⁺·of Clout °the·Descender
there·is·ńot to·you⁺ dividend in·Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·gave·rest⁺ your⁺·sons⁺ °our·sons⁺
to·not fearing °Yʜᴡʜ :
and·we·say⁺ we·do⁺ ¡please! to·us
to·build °the·offering·place
not to·upward·offering and·not to·offering :
as witness he between⁺·us and·between⁺·you⁺ and·between our·saecula⁺ after⁺·us
to·serve °the·service·of Yʜᴡʜ to·his·face⁺
in·our·upward·offerings⁺ and·in·our·offerings⁺ and·in·our·shaloms⁺
and they·do·not·say⁺ your⁺·sons⁺ aftermorrow to·our·sons⁺
there·is·ńot to·you⁺ dividend in·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·we·say⁺ and·he·was as they·say⁺ to·us and·to our·saecula⁺ aftermorrow
and·we·said⁺ ꜝsee⁺ °the·build·of the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ that they·did⁺ our·fathers⁺ not to·upward·offering and·not to·offering
as witness he
between⁺·us and·between⁺·you⁺ :
¡pierce·it! to·us from·us to·revolt in·Yʜᴡʜ and·to·return the·day from·after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
to·build offering·place
to·upward·offering to·tribute and·to·offering
from·aloneside the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
that to·the·face⁺·of his·dwelling·place :
and·he·hears Copper-Mouth the·priest and·the·wellborns⁺·of the·assembly and·the·heads⁺·of the·thousands⁺·of Princepowr that with·him
that they·spoke⁺ the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·the·sons⁺·of Clout and·the·sons⁺·of Frustration
and·he·is·good in·their·eyes² :
and·he·says Copper-Mouth the·son·of Powr-Helped the·priest to the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·to the·sons⁺·of Clout and·to the·sons⁺·of Frustration the·day we·knew⁺ as in·our·midst Yʜᴡʜ
that you·did·not·disguise·yourselves⁺ in·Yʜᴡʜ the·disguisal this
then you·snatched·away⁺ °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr from·the·hand·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·returns Copper-Mouth the·son·of Powr-Helped the·priest and·the·wellborns⁺ from·with the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·from·with the·sons⁺·of Clout from·the·land·of the·Roll-of-Witness to the·land·of Cashiers⁺ to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·return⁺ with·them speech :
and·he·is·good the·speech in·the·eyes²·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·kneel⁺ Powers⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and they·did·not·say⁺ to·go·up upon·them to·the·host
to·ruin °the·land
that the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·the·sons⁺·of Clout settling⁺ in·her :
and·they·call⁺ the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·the·sons⁺·of Clout to·the·offering·place
as witness he between⁺·us
as Yʜᴡʜ the·Powers⁺ :
and·he·is from·days⁺ many⁺
after⁺ that he·set·in·peace Yʜᴡʜ to·Princepowr from·all·of their·enemies⁺ from·turninground
and·Yʜᴡ-Saved he·was·old
he·entered in·the·days⁺ :
and·he·calls Yʜᴡ-Saved to·all·of Princepowr
to·his·elders⁺ and·to·his·heads⁺
and·to·his·judges⁺ and·to·his·officers⁺
and·he·says to·them
I I·was·old
I·entered in·the·days⁺ :
and·you⁺ you·saw⁺ °all that he·did Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ to·all·of the·clans⁺ these from·your⁺·face⁺
as Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
he that·battles to·you⁺ :
ꜝsee⁺ I·let·fall to·you⁺ °the·clans⁺ the·survivors⁺ these in·derivation to·your⁺·stems⁺
from the·Descender and·all·of the·clans⁺ that I·cut·down
and·the·sea the·great the·entrance·of the·sun :
and·Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ he he·thrusts·them from·your⁺·face⁺
and·he·disinherited °them from·to·your⁺·face⁺
and·you·inherited⁺ °their·land
as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ to·you⁺ :
and·you·were·firm⁺ very
to·watch and·to·do
°all that·is·written
in·the·account·of the·torah·of Moseh
to·not moving from·him right and·left :
to·not entering in·the·clans⁺ these
the·survivors⁺ these with·you⁺
and·in·the·name·of their·Powers⁺ you·do·not·commemorate⁺ and you·do·not·tell·seven⁺
and you·do·not·serve⁺·them
and you·do·not·prostrate·yourselves⁺ to·them :
but rather in·Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ you·are·joined⁺
as·how you·did⁺
unto the·day this :
and·he·disinherits Yʜᴡʜ from·your⁺·face⁺
clans⁺ great⁺ and·strongboned⁺
and·you⁺ he·did·not·stand man in·your⁺·face⁺
unto the·day this :
man one from·you⁺ he·pursues thousand
as Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ he that·battles to·you⁺
as·how he·spoke to·you⁺ :
and·you·watched·yourselves⁺ very to·your⁺·souls⁺
to·love °Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
as rather returning you·return⁺ and·you·were·joined⁺ in·the·remainder·of the·clans⁺ these
the·survivors⁺ these with·you⁺
and·you·intermarried⁺ in·them and·you·entered⁺ in·them and·they⁺ in·you⁺ :
knowing you·know⁺
as he·does·not·add Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ to·disinherit °the·clans⁺ these from·to·your⁺·face⁺
and·they·were⁺ to·you⁺ to·trap and·to·snare and·to·paddle in·your⁺·hips⁺ and·to·shieldbriars⁺ in·your⁺·eyes²
unto your⁺·lost from·upon the·adamah the·good this
that he·gave to·you⁺
Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·¡lo! I walking the·day
in·the·step·of all·of the·land
and·you·knew⁺ in·all·of your⁺·heart and·in·all·of your⁺·soul as he·did·not·fall speech one from·all·of the·speeches⁺ the·good⁺ that he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ upon·you⁺
all they·entered⁺ to·you⁺
he·did·not·fall from·him speech one :
and·he·was as·how he·entered upon·you⁺ all·of the·speech the·good
that he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ to·you⁺
surely he·brings·in Yʜᴡʜ upon·you⁺ °all·of the·speech the·bad
unto his·destroying °you⁺ from·upon the·adamah the·good this
that he·gave to·you⁺
Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
when·you·cross·over⁺ °the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ that he·commanded °you⁺
and·you·walked⁺ and·you·served⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺
and·you·prostrated·yourselves⁺ to·them
and·he·was·scorched the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ in·you⁺
and·you·were·lost⁺ speedily
from·upon the·land the·good
that he·gave to·you⁺ :
and·he·gathers Yʜᴡ-Saved °all·of the·stems⁺·of Princepowr ➝Yoke
and·he·calls to·the·elders⁺·of Princepowr and·to·his·heads⁺ and·to·his·judges⁺ and·to·his·officers⁺
and·they·post·themselves⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·Powers⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved to all·of the·people thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
in·the·region·across the·Stream they·settled⁺ your⁺·fathers⁺ from·eternity
Tarach the·father·of Father-Hi-Hum and·the·father·of Snorter
and·they·serve⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺ :
and·I·take °your⁺·father °Father-Hi-Hum from·the·region·across the·stream
and·I·cause·to·walk °him in·all·of the·land·of Cashier
and·I·multiply °his·seed
and·I·give to·him °Laugher :
and·I·give to·Laugher
°Heeler and·°Esaw
and·I·give to·Esaw °the·mount·of Hair to·inherit °him
and·Heeler and·his·sons⁺ they·descended⁺ Egypts² :
and·I·send °Moseh and·°Aharon and·I·smite °Egypts²
as·how I·did in·his·impresence
and·after I·let·go °you⁺ :
and·I·let·go °your⁺·fathers⁺ from·Egypts²
and·you·enter⁺ ➝the·sea
and·they·pursue⁺ Egyptian after⁺ your⁺·fathers⁺ in·chariot and·in·shockcavalry⁺ the·sea·of Reeds :
and·they·cry⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ and·he·places black·place between⁺·you⁺ and·between the·Egyptians⁺ and·he·brings·in upon·him °the·sea and·he·covers·him
and·they·see⁺ your⁺·eyes²
°that I·did in·Egypts²
and·you·settle⁺ in·the·outspeak days⁺ many⁺ :
and·I·bring·in °you⁺ to the·land·of the·Amurruïte that·settles in·the·region·across the·Descender
and·they·battle⁺ with·you⁺
and·I·give °them in·your⁺·hand and·you·inherit⁺ °their·land
and·I·destroy·them from·your⁺·face⁺ :
and·he·arises Ravager the·son·of Skippingbird the·king·of From-Father
and·he·battles in·Princepowr
and·he·sends and·he·calls to·Devouring-People the·son·of Consuming to·slight °you⁺ :
and I·did·not·want to·hear to·Devouring-People
and·he·kneels kneeling °you⁺
and·I·snatch·away °you⁺ from·his·hand :
and·you·cross·over⁺ °the·Descender and·you·enter⁺ to Breath
and·they·battle⁺ in·you⁺ the·masters⁺·of Breath the·Amurruïte and·the·Villageïte and·the·Cashierïte and·the·Castdownïte and·the·Girgashïte
the·Liveïte and·the·Troddenïte
and·I·give °them in·your⁺·hand :
and·I·send to·your⁺·face⁺ °the·leper
and·she·drives·off °them from·your⁺·face⁺
the·two²·of the·kings⁺·of the·Amurruïte
not in·your·sword and·not in·your·bow :
and·I·give to·you⁺ land that you·did·not·labor in·her and·cities⁺ that you·did·not·build⁺
and·you·settle⁺ in·them
orchards⁺ and·olives⁺ that you·did·not·plant⁺
you⁺ eating⁺ :
and·now ꜝfear⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ and·ꜝserve⁺ °him in·complete and·in·truth
and·ꜝremove⁺ °Powers⁺ that they·served⁺ your⁺·fathers⁺ in·the·region·across the·stream and·in·Egypts²
and·ꜝserve⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ :
and·if he·was·bad in·your⁺·eyes² to·serve °Yʜᴡʜ ꜝchoose⁺ to·you⁺ the·day °¿who you·serve⁺
if °Powers⁺ that they·served⁺ your⁺·fathers⁺ that from·the·region·across the·stream
and·if °Powers⁺·of the·Amurruïte
that you⁺ settling⁺ in·their·land
and·I and·my·house
we·serve⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·responds the·people and·he·says
¡pierce·it! to·us
from·abandoning °Yʜᴡʜ
to·serve Powers⁺ after⁺ :
as Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
he that·offers·up °us and·°our·fathers⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts² from·house·of servants⁺
and·that he·did to·our·eyes² °the·signs⁺ the·great⁺ these
and·he·watches·us in·all·of the·step that we·walked⁺ in·her
and·in·all·of the·people⁺
that we·crossed·over⁺ in·their·impresence :
and·he·drives·off Yʜᴡʜ °all·of the·people⁺ and·°the·Amurruïte settling the·land from·our·face⁺
also we⁺ we·serve⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ
as he our·Powers⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved to the·people you·are·not·able⁺ to·serve °Yʜᴡʜ
as Powers⁺ sacred⁺ he
powr jealous he
he·does·not·bear to·your⁺·rebellion and·to·your⁺·sins⁺ :
as you·abandon⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ
and·you·served⁺ Powers⁺·of unrecognizee
and·he·returned and·he·did·bad to·you⁺ and·he·was·all·done °you⁺
after⁺ that he·did·good to·you⁺ :
and·he·says the·people to Yʜᴡ-Saved
not as °Yʜᴡʜ we·serve⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved to the·people witnesses⁺ you⁺ in·you⁺
as you⁺ you·chose⁺ to·you⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ to·serve °him
and·they·say⁺ witnesses⁺ :
and·now ꜝremove⁺ °Powers⁺·of the·unrecognizee that in·your⁺·impresence
and·ꜝbranch·out⁺ °your⁺·heart
to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·they·say⁺ the·people to Yʜᴡ-Saved
°Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ we·serve⁺
and·in·his·voice we·hear⁺ :
and·he·cuts·in Yʜᴡ-Saved covenant to·the·people in·the·day he
and·he·places to·him prescription and·judgment in·Yoke :
and·he·writes Yʜᴡ-Saved °the·speeches⁺ these
in·the·account·of the·torah·of Powers⁺
and·he·takes stone great
and·he·raises·her there
under the·powrtree
that in·the·sanctuary·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Saved to all·of the·people ¡lo! the·stone this she·is in·us to·witness
as she she·heard °all·of the·sayings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·spoke near·us
and·she·was in·you⁺ to·witness
lest you·deny⁺ in·your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·he·sends·out Yʜᴡ-Saved °the·people
man to·his·derivation :
and·he·is after⁺ the·speeches⁺ these
and·he·dies Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ
son·of hundred and·ten years⁺ :
and·they·entomb⁺ °him in·the·border·of his·derivation
in·Lot·of Dangling that in·the·mount·of Fruits²
from·the·north to·the·mount·of Convulsion :
and·he·serves Princepowr °Yʜᴡʜ
all·of the·days⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·all·of the·days⁺·of the·elders⁺ that they·prolonged⁺ days⁺ after⁺ Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·that they·knew⁺ °all·of the·doing·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·did to·Princepowr :
and·°the·bones⁺·of He-Adds that they·offered·up⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr from·Egypts² they·entombed⁺ in·Yoke
in·the·division·of the·field that he·stocked·up Heeler from·with the·sons⁺·of Donkey the·father·of Yoke in·hundred mutton
and·they·are⁺ to·the·sons⁺·of He-Adds to·derivation :
and·Powr-Helped the·son·of Aharon he·died
and·they·entomb⁺ °him in·Hill·of Copper-Mouth his·son
that he·was·given to·him in·the·mount·of Fruits² :